Re: [Fis] info & meaning

2007-10-11 Thread Loet Leydesdorff
> Loet - if your claim is true then how do you explain that a random soup of
> organic chemicals have more Shannon info than an equal number of organic
> chemicals organized as a living cell where knowledge of some chemicals
> automatically implies the presence of others and hence have less surprise
> than those of the  soup of random organic chemicals? -  Bob

Dear Bob and colleagues,

In the case of the random soup of organic chemicals, the maximum
entropy of the systems is set by the number of chemicals involved (N).
The maximum entropy is therefore log(N). (Because of the randomness of
the soup , the Shannon entropy will not be much lower.)

If a grouping variable with M categories is added the maximum entropy
is log(N * M). Ceteris paribus, the redundancy in the system increases
and the Shannon entropy can be expected to decrease.

In class, I sometimes use the example of comparing Calcutta with New
York in terms of sustainability. Both have a similar number of
inhabitants, but the organization of New York is more complex to the
extent that the value of the grouping variables (the systems of
communication) becomes more important than the grouped variable (N).
When M is extended to M+1, N possibilities are added.

I hope that this is convincing or provoking your next reaction.

Best wishes,

fis mailing list

Re: [Fis] info & meaning

2007-10-11 Thread bob logan
Dear Colleagues - I have combined my responses to a number of  
comments (from Ted, Stan and Loet) in one email. My comments are in  
red and the comments of the others that I am commenting on are in blue.

Hi Ted - I did not understand why you clain Kauffman's approach is  

At the highest level, I think, there's a decision each of us has to  
make about the nature of the abstraction space we want to work in.  
Kauffman is famously on record as believing that the preferred space  
is algebraic. He goes further in stating that it is the ONLY space,  
all others illusory, or less fundamental. Without burdening you with  
that rather indefensible weight, its clear to me that what you have  
presented is clearly in this camp.

Hi Stan - once again I enjoyed your remarks amplifying your original  
comment. I would like to add that science only deals with formal  
cause and not final cause. Final cause is for philosophers, social  
critics and theologians.

Bob said:

Hi Stan - interesting ideas - I resonate with the thought that the
meaning of info is associated with  Aritostle's final cause -  
cheers Bob

Here I follow up with an extract from a text I am working on at present,
just to amplify this a bit more:

 Finally, what is the justification for considering meaning  
generally to be
associated to finality?  Why not formal causes as well?  Final cause  
is the
'why' of events, while formal causes carry the 'how' and 'where',  

causes the local 'readiness', and efficient cause the 'when' (Salthe,
2005).  It seems clear when choosing among these, that the meaning
(significance, purport, import, aim -- Webster's New Collegiate  

of an event must be assigned to its final causes.  Formal and material
causes are merely enabling, while efficient cause only forces or  
The example of a New Yorker cartoon captures some of my meaning  
here.  Two
Aliens are standing outside of their spaceship, which has apparently  
on Earth, as we see spruce trees burning all around them in a fire  
that we
infer was triggered by their landing. One them says: "I know what  
caused it

-- there's oxygen on this planet".  If we think that is amusing, we know
implicitly why formality cannot carry the meaning of an event.  In  
science formality has been used to model the structure of an  

system, and so is not suited to carrying its teleo tendencies as well.
Formality marks what will happen where, but not also 'why' it  
happens. The

causal approach itself is required if we are trying to extend semiosis
pansemiotically to nature in general. Natural science discourse is built
around causality, and so attempts to import meaning into it requires  
it to

be assimilated to causation.

Loet - if your claim is true then how do you explain that a random  
soup of organic chemicals have more Shannon info than an equal number  
of organic chemicals organized as a living cell where knowledge of  
some chemicals automatically implies the presence of others and hence  
have less surprise than those of the  soup of random organic  
chemicals? -  Bob

On 7-Oct-07, at 6:47 AM, Loet Leydesdorff wrote:

Dear Bob and colleagues,

Although I know that this comment was made in responding to another  
comment, let me react here because I think that this is not correct:
The point I am making is that organization is a form of  
information which Shannon theory does not recognize.

Shannon's theory is a mathematical theory which can be used in an  
application context (e.g., biology, electrical engineering) as a  
methodology. This has been called entropy statistics or, for  
example, statistical decomposition analysis (Theil, 1972). The  
strong methodology which it provides may enable us to answer  
theoretical questions in the field of application.

An organization at this level of abstraction can be considered as a  
network of relations and thus be represented as a matrix. (Network  
analysis operates on matrices.) A matrix can be considered as a two- 
dimensional probability distribution which contains an uncertainty.  
This uncertainty can be expressed in terms of bits of information.  
Similarly, for all the submatrices (e.g., components and cliques)  
or for any of the row or column vectors. Thus, one can recognize  
and study organization using Shannon entropy-measures.

The results, of course, have still to be appreciated in the  
substantive domain of application, but they can be informative to  
the extent of being counter-intuitive.

Best wishes,

Loet Leydesdorff
Amsterdam School of Communications Research (ASCoR)
Kloveniersburgwal 48, 1012 CX Amsterdam
Tel.: +31-20- 525 6598; fax: +31-20- 525 3681

Now available: The Knowledge-Based Economy: Modeled, Measured,  
Simulated. 385 pp.; US$ 18.95
The Self-Organization of the Knowledge-Based Society; The Challenge  
of Scientometrics
