Dear FIS colleagues,

A new course has started, in which hopefully we will re-assume exciting 
exchanges like in past months.
For a starter, let me mention one of the books I went through this 
Summer: "The Economics of Attention" (Richard A. Lanham, Un. of Chicago 
Press, 20006), I think it has not been cited in our discussions yet.
The book continues the very themes we recently approached but mostly 
considered within the social realm. The author advocates a new theory of 
human communication --displays of information, signals, motives, 
attention structures, intellective oscillatory cycle, styles & 
rhetorics, social exchange...). Overall, he has produced a stimulating 
and fertile synthesis ---a possible path to communicate FIS stuff with 
the social and "literary" reflections of today? Along the "disciplinary 
shift" he proposes, arts and letters become central, as the disciplines 
that study how attention is located and how cultural capital is traded. 
Thus the letters and the sciences have changed place (together with 
style vs. substance, design vs. engineering, rhetorics vs. philosophy...).
It is a real call of attention to those, like us, who are reflecting on 
foundations for an integrated information perspective.

best wishes


Pedro C. Marijuán*
Grupo de Bioinformación
Instituto Aragonés de Ciencias de la Salud
Avda.* Gómez Laguna, 25, Pl. 11ª
50.009 Zaragoza. España
Telf.: 34 976 71 3526 - Fax: 34 976 71 5554
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