Re: [Fis] FIS Bibliography

2010-11-18 Thread Søren Brier
Dear Krassimir

This is a nice idea, but I do think that the lists you collect should be made 
into a FIS list where we all can send in our contributions and papers from 
other we find important!!

Venlig hilsen/best wishes
Søren Brier
Professor of semiotics at Department of International Studies of Culture and 
Communication, CBS,
Dalgas Have 15, DK-2000 Frederiksberg. Tel. (+ 45) 38153132
Ed. Cybernetics & Human Knowing , Subscription $ 
New book: Cybersemiotics: Why Information Is Not Enough, Toronto University 
Press, 2008. See as Google book:

From: [] On Behalf Of 
Krassimir Markov []
Sent: Friday, November 19, 2010 2:43 AM
To:; FIS
Subject: Re: [Fis] FIS Bibliography

Dear Karl, dear colleagues,

Thank you for kind words.

FIS Bibliography page in our internal FIS page and no one else has access to it.
It is aimed to serve our discussion only.
This means that the papers are included by the authors request without 
censuring and additional control.
My wish is to serve not to disturb 
Everybody from FIS is invited.
After finishing discussion page may be destroyed.

But I have an other proposition.

During the Summer Session of ITA 2010 Joint International Scientific Events on 
Informatics in Varna, Bulgaria, we decide to establish several new ITHEA 
Special Interest Groups.
Till now only one ITHEA SIG on “Intelligent Data Processing in Global 
Monitoring for Environment and Security” was established. As result a 
collective monograph has been prepared. It is on final stage before printing by 
ITHEA Publishing House. You may see it at internal page of this group . It is remarkable that about 60 authors take part in 
this work.

A new ITHEA SIG will be on the General Information Theory and connected to it 
History of Information Theories, Ontology of Informatics, etc.
Main participants till now are scientists from Russia, Ukraine, Armenia, Poland 
and Bulgaria.

In the June I have had no information about FIS Group.
Now I invite you to join the ITHEA SIG on GIT or if you prefer – on FIS !
This group will start working in the beginning of the next year and the main 
task will be preparing of a collective monograph on information theories as 
well as several international conferences or workshops.

Participation in ITHEA and ITHEA SIG is absolutely free.
ITHEA membership may be done personally at 
or by sending an e-mail to me.

Friendly regards

fis mailing list

Re: [Fis] FIS Bibliography

2010-11-18 Thread Krassimir Markov

Dear Karl, dear colleagues,

Thank you for kind words.

FIS Bibliography page in our internal FIS page and no one else has access to it.
It is aimed to serve our discussion only. 
This means that the papers are included by the authors request without 
censuring and additional control.
My wish is to serve not to disturb 
Everybody from FIS is invited.
After finishing discussion page may be destroyed.

But I have an other proposition.

During the Summer Session of ITA 2010 Joint International Scientific Events on 
Informatics in Varna, Bulgaria, we decide to establish several new ITHEA 
Special Interest Groups.
Till now only one ITHEA SIG on “Intelligent Data Processing in Global 
Monitoring for Environment and Security” was established. As result a 
collective monograph has been prepared. It is on final stage before printing by 
ITHEA Publishing House. You may see it at internal page of this group . It is remarkable that about 60 authors take part in 
this work.
A new ITHEA SIG will be on the General Information Theory and connected to it 
History of Information Theories, Ontology of Informatics, etc. 
Main participants till now are scientists from Russia, Ukraine, Armenia, Poland 
and Bulgaria.
In the June I have had no information about FIS Group. 
Now I invite you to join the ITHEA SIG on GIT or if you prefer – on FIS ! 
This group will start working in the beginning of the next year and the main 
task will be preparing of a collective monograph on information theories as 
well as several international conferences or workshops.
Participation in ITHEA and ITHEA SIG is absolutely free. 
ITHEA membership may be done personally at or by sending an 
e-mail to me.
Friendly regards
fis mailing list