Dear Joseph, Walter, Stan... & FIS colleagues,

Following the track of "dissipative systems" and the prebiotic or biotic 
conditions of cellular organization is fine. But concerning the 
connection between "information" and "intelligence" (somehow still 
responding to Yixin's first question) other tracks could also be 
followed, it goes with the "narrative" one chooses. I think we have a 
number of connecting options: "information philosophy", "information 
theory", "information physics", "molecular information", 
"bioinformation", "systems neuroscience", "social information science", 
"semiosis"... almost every major trend in our community of info science 
discussants can legitimately claim a specific, interesting bridge 
between info and intelligence.

My contention, along Joseph's suggestions on looking for "starting 
points", is that the most general view implies a narrative of cognizing 
"agents" confronting "the world", also implying those three aspects I 
discussed last week (populational, optimality, limitation). Factually, 
information becomes undefinable, as it will be established after the 
implicit/explicit choices of action/perception for the agents and the 
related aspects of the world (depending on the options, yes, it can be 
done axiomatically; but never in general). Intelligence will also be 
mediated by those choices, with an added recursivity or circularity 
between mechanisms of agents and mechanisms of final scientific 
observers. Thus, the result is very different from other disciplines, 
where less "contaminated" or extrinsic facts help to establish 
theoretical-empirical ways of advancing the scientific construction. My 
impression is that one of the cul-de-sacs common to both information 
science and artificial intelligence is related to the absence of a 
"disabstraction" about that circularity between agent and final observer 
when the human case is at the stake. Maturana and Varela said 
interesting things about that. It is also curious that the observer of 
science is always a disembodied thought-collective, where individual 
limitations have disappeared, where notions of "epistemic distance" do 
not exist. Of course, then one can buy reductionism, "unity of science", 
or whatsoever in a real world of increasing mosaicism of science.

My opinion is that the above information/intelligence connection can be 
ascertained relatively well for cellular (prok.) agents, as for first 
time in history of science we have nowadays a very advanced, almost 
complete description of their mechanisms (by means of bioinformatic and 
systems biology approaches). However, it is not trivial at all, as it 
implies a new way to connect cellular signaling systems and 
transcriptional regulatory networks, a work not assumed yet by 
mainstreams. It is a direction that Jorge, Raquel and me are 
little-by-little following in the concrete case of Mycobacterium 
tuberculosis. Maybe the study of human information/intelligence is far 
more glamorous and deeper a case, really the paradigm of all other forms 
of intelligence, but we are still lacking a "central neurodynamic 
theory" on how our brain performs its information processes (to be based 
on optimality, I bet). And "social intelligence" is the most pressing 
topic, given the disproportion between accumulating problems and social 
use of knowledge. Thus, we have a difficult choice for preference among 
one those three paradigmatic narratives: clarity, depth, necessity.

Apologies!, as all these reflections are pretty unclear, pretty obscure...

best regards


Pedro C. Marijuán
Grupo de Bioinformación / Bioinformation Group
Instituto Aragonés de Ciencias de la Salud
Avda. Gómez Laguna, 25, Pl. 11ª
50009 Zaragoza, Spain
Telf: 34 976 71 3526 (& 6818) Fax: 34 976 71 5554

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