Message from Qiao Tian-qing


Dear FISers

There is another general theory of information (GTI_A ).

I consider,

The customarily named information is the collection of three kinds of things´ attributes: things themselves (including cause or effect formed through their interaction), the attributes of things that someone thinks and simulates, and the attributes of tools someone or something uses when considers, expresses, or simulates something. The first kind of attributes of things is based on facts, for example, the three states of water, someone is swimming. This are physical, chemical, biological, social or any other properties of things, irrefutable and objective, which have nothing to do with any expressive way related to the thing (such spoken and written languages, music or pictures). The second kind is related with the inner thoughts, or expressions through talk, or sentence, namely, some attributes of things that someone can find; or the attributes of things that could be simulate according to science and technology. The third kind is the attributes of tools used by someone (or something) when he himself thinks, or expresses, or simulates something, i.e. the state of brain neurons when he thinks, the line trend of words when writes, the vibration frequency and intensity of sound when speaks, the bit of circuit devices in a computer, or the models of devices used in an experiment, etc. Supposing that the sign X represents the first kind of attributes, X’ the second, and X_nlfb the third, and info represents the information, we can simply express the customarily named information as follows:

info = X +X ’+X_ nlfb For example: In the Hindoo Idiom “The Blind Men and The Elephant”, if the four blind men are A, B, C, D, therefore,

  info_ i = X + (X’)_ i + (X_nlfb )_ i

i =A,B,C,D.

The four pieces of information, the X is the same, however, the X’ or X_nltb is different.

In order to make clear the above described conception of information, the expressions of information, which is a natural phenomenon, are listed below:

info = X

But the expression of absolutely lying information should be as follows:

info = X’+X_ nlfb

The information, in words for the illiterate as well as abstract art and animals’ sound for the vast majority of people, is expressed here:

info = X_ nlfb

Or words for the illiterate, abstract art and animals’ sound can be shown as:

info = X

If you accept the above expressions, you can get out of tight spot to define information in philosophy. Hoping it will be helpful to end the philosophical exploration for the concept of information.

Please test it. Please give me suggestions.

With great respect

Qiao Tian-qing

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