
On 02 Nov 2013, at 17:40, Joseph Brenner wrote:

Dear Gordana and Loet,

I think that you here and Loet, with his idea of local inversion of the hierarchy, have an intuition of something I consider potentially very important. In reality, it is the processes in the "hierarchy" that have been moving and continue to move partly in a non-univocal manner, countercurrently if you like. My logic gives a framework for such movement in a spiral, not circular manner by alternating actualization and potentialization.

Of course it is persons, and not "systems", in their complexity, that are communicating and not communicating and wondering whether to continue to communicate or not, or are sorry they communicated. Any attempt at a more complete understanding of communication should be able to take such complexification of the notion of system into account, in my opinion.

This thread reminds me George Bush when he said that that corporations are persons.

If that is taken literally, that can only be a threat for the human individual rights.

That would lead to the human's lost of (Turing) universality, and would be an advantage for some higher level entity in which humans would be the equivalent of specialized cells. You can compare this with the amoeba lost of immortality and "freedom", when beginning to cooperate through multicellular organism.

Personally, I think humans should try to keep their Turing universality at all costs, but corporations will opposes naturally to this. The tension between universality at different levels is unavoidable. But if we abandon an atom of human Turing universality for some ideal security, we will lose both.



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