[Fis] FIS 20, Summer in Varna

Dear FISers,
this is a reminder about the FIS Summer Conference in Varna to celebrate the 20 
years of this initiative. Below I include the basic technical information of 
the meeting. An important point: the period for early inscription and important 
discount in hotel prices will end the next 28 February. The meeting  will start 
on 3th July with a celebratory Gala Dinner --and toasts!-- followed by two work 
days in July 4-5. Given that we will hold the meeting conjointly with GIT 
sessions (General Information Theory), the FIS conference might be extended to 
the 6th July, depending on the number of inscriptions. Apart from the 
individual presentations, some general discussions are planned: 
definition/undefinition of information, consensus notion on information, 
strategies for the renewal and extension of information science, the next 20 
years... All parties from the germane organizations (IS4IS, ITHEA, Symmetry 
Institute, Chinese Sections...) are cordially invited to share a nice time in 
Best regards,
ITHEA International Scientific Society-- ITA 2014
GIT & FIS 2014
XX-th anniversary of FIS initiative
XII-th International Conference
General Information Theory

- February 28, 2014: booking of hotel, submission of registration forms and 
visa application forms by e-mail: i...@foibg.com and 
- March 31, 2014: submission of final paper by the ITHEA ISS Submission Web 
System: http://ita.ithea.org
- April 15, 2014: notification of the paper acceptance by the ITHEA ISS 
Submission Web System
The camera-ready copy of the manuscript should be received by the ITHEA Journal 
Submission System ( http://ij.ithea.org ) or respectively 
by the ITHEA Conference Submission System ( 
http://ita.ithea.org ); e-mail for questions: 
Please observe the folling rules and deadlines!
Manuscripts need to be formatted in DOC or TeX formats according the sample 
sheets given at:
- DOC template: 
- TeX template: 
Accepted manuscripts will be published by ITHEA as follow:
- regular papers in English or Russian from 4 up to 12 pages and long papers or 
surveys in English from 12 up to 20 pages will be published  in the 
International Journal "Information Theories and Application ®(IJ ITA), 
International Journal "Information Technologies and Knowledge"®(IJ ITK), and 
International Journal “Information Models and Analyses” ®(IJ IMA).


Membership of ITHEA ISS is free and may be done by registration at the 
Submit registration cards and visa forms to: Krassimir Markov, e-mail: 

Registration Fee is EURO 250 or 500 Leva per paper.
Registration fee for members of ITHEA ISS: EUR 150 or 300 Leva.
Registration fee includes publication fee and participation fee for one person.

Publication Fee is EURO 125 or 250 Leva per paper.
Publication fee for members of ITHEA ISS: EURO 75 or 150 Leva per paper.
Publication fee includes only one exemplar of the issue in which the paper has 
been published.

Participation Fee is EURO 125 or 250 Leva per presentation.
Participation Fee for members of ITHEA ISS: EURO 75 or 150 Leva per paper.
Participation fee includes participation for one person and permits 
presentation of one paper without publishing.

Accompanying Persons’ Fee is EURO 50

Pedro C. Marijuán
Grupo de Bioinformacion / Bioinformation Group

Instituto Aragonés de Ciencias de la Salud
Avda. San Juan Bosco 13, 50009 Zaragoza
Tfno. +34 976 71 68 18
E-mail. pcmarijuan.i...@aragon.es
fis mailing list

Re: [Fis] [Feedforward II and Anticipation] Joseph Brenner

2014-02-13 Thread Loet Leydesdorff
Dear Joseph and colleagues, 

I owe you a reply on the last mail in which you counter-positioned our two
approaches. I agree with some of what you say; for example, replacing the
concept of circularity by saw-tooth or spiral evolution. In my opinion, the
two arrows have to be specified instead of being attributed to all living
and cognitive systems (as you state a few sentences later). What is

My interest is in the evolution of expectations. Expectations can be
entertained by discourses (or other inter-human communication systems) and
be reflected (and reconstructed) specifically by human agency. Different
from other species, the expectations can be codified and therefore operate
at the supra-individual level. For example, many of your statements can be
considered as the specification of theoretically informed expectations. From
this perspective, the “reality” in “Logic in Reality” (LIR) is res cogitans:
an inter-human construct about which we remain uncertain. The uncertainty
co-evolves with the codification because of enabling us to process more

More specifically, you formulate as follows: 
“I found I could differentiate between his and my perspective as follows:
- Dubois: anticipation is the potential future value of a system's variables
- LIR: anticipation is the current potential value of a system's variables”

Dubois (1998) distinguishes between incursion and hyper-incursion. In the
case of incursion, the anticipation is based on the current value of a
system’s variable, and in the case of hyper-incursion on the future value
(x[t+1]). Additionally, recursion is based on using the previous state as
the independent driver of the system: x[t] = f(x[t-1]). If the system uses
its future variable-values for its reconstruction—reproduction may sound too
biological in this abstract context—Dubois (2003) called this “strong
anticipation;” to be distinguished from “weak anticipation” when one uses a
model for the prediction.

It seems to me that the only system that can operate hyper-incursively is
the social system because its rooting in history is provided by the carrying
agents. The carrying agents can thus be considered as incursive and weakly
anticipatory (that is, entertaining models), while their physical bodies add
the recursive dynamic to the reflexive minds. The next-order system,
however, can operate in terms of interactions among expectations (e.g.,
formalized in a model), and thus generate a non-linear dynamics of
expectations co-evolving with the capacity of the carrying agents to extend
their horizons of meaning (Husserl, Luhmann). The codes in the reflexive
communications can be considered as the (hypothesized!) eigenvectors of the
networks of relations among expectations (carried by human minds).

Among other things, such a social system of expectations is able to develop
the sciences at the above-individual level; as a sociology of highly
codified expectations. Individuals provide the variation in terms of
knowledge claims based on specific reflections; that is, perspectives. Since
the two (different!) selection mechanisms—at the individual and
supra-individual levels—operate upon each other, one can expect a spiral
(co-) evolution or, in your terminology, a “logic in reality”. However, this
reality has the epistemological status of a hypothesis, whereas you seem to
reify it and identify it with “nature” (energy?) as a given. From my
perspective, this presumes a reduction of the complexity using the
communicative codes of physics and biology. There is nothing against this
coding, but it can be considered as one among an alphabet of possible ones.
The specific reduction to the perspective of a “sociology” of expectations
enables us to study the dynamics among differently coded expectations in
other domains.

I hope that this makes sense to you and allows us to move this further. 


Loet Leydesdorff 
Professor Emeritus, University of Amsterdam
Amsterdam School of Communications Research (ASCoR)
l...@leydesdorff.net ; http://www.leydesdorff.net/ 
Honorary Professor, SPRU, University of Sussex; Visiting Professor, ISTIC,
Visiting Professor, Birkbeck, University of London.

-Original Message-
From: fis-boun...@listas.unizar.es [mailto:fis-boun...@listas.unizar.es] On
Behalf Of Pedro C. Marijuan
Sent: Wednesday, February 12, 2014 12:42 PM
To: fis@listas.unizar.es
Subject: [Fis] [Feedforward II and Anticipation] Joseph Brenner

 Original Message 
Subject:Fw: Feedforward II and Anticipation
Date:   Wed, 12 Feb 2014 12:20:01 +0100
From:   Joseph Brenner 
Reply-To:   Joseph Brenner 
To: Pedro C. Marijuan 

Dear FISers,
This subject was introduced late last year by Bob Logan with reference to
his draft paper entitled "Feedforward, I. A. Richards, Cybernetics and
Marshall McLuhan". I feel feedforward deserves more then the limited
discussion it rece