Dear FISers -I have been following the FIS conversation re Terry's paper. I 
have let Terry and Jeremy carry the burden of the dialogue with FIS. As an 
FISer and a Pirate I have been neutral and did not want to enter the fray but I 
now have something worth sharing - some of it stimulated by the FIS dialogue 
and some by internal Terry and the Pirates conversations within our research 
group. I have a rather long post to make up for my absence in the conversation 
to date. I hope that I will have the benefit of your comments. I have just 
shared this paper with my T&P colleagues through our normal email channel.

The Many Dimensions of Information; No Word is an Island  – A Mind Map

Bob Logan

Prolegma and an Abstract: The concept of information has many dimensions and is 
described in many different ways. It has many different associations. It has 
many different definitions. It has many different interpretations. It has many 
different interpreters. This is an attempt to identify all of these 
associations, definitions, interpretations, and interpreters. It is in a 
certain sense a mind map but it is the map of my mind, my definitions, my 
associations, my interpretations, what is significant for me about information, 
what information means for me, the thoughts that thinking about information 
inspire and the thinkers that I believe have and can provide insights into the 
nature of information. It is a catalogue. It is a hypothesis. It has been 
compiled by induction, deduction and abduction. For you the reader it is to 
communicate the complexity and many dimensions of information. For me it is a 
starting point to rethink every thing I ever thought about information including

1.     My reading of Incomplete Nature by Terrence Deacon

2.     The discussions I have had with Terry and the Pirates (Terry is Terrence 
Deacon, and the Pirates are the group that meets with Terry more or less once a 
week in his home in Berkeley California with others like me joining by Skype. 
The group continues those weekly discussions by email).

3.     My FIS (Foundations of Information Science) listserv discussions.

4.     The paper I co-authored with Stuart Kauffman and others entitled “The 
Propagation of Information: An Enquiry” where we posited that “the constraints 
that allow autonomous agents to channel free energy into work are connected to 
information: in fact, simply put, the constraints are the information, are 
partially causal in the diversity of what occurs in cells, and are part of the 
organization that is propagated.”

5.     My book What is Information? - Propagating Organization in the 
Biosphere, the Symbolosphere, the Technosphere and the Econosphere (Logan 2014)

Acknowlegement: This mind map project is inspired by Terry Deacon’s remarks 
during our Jan 21 T&P session and by an email he sent the following day, where 
he wrote,
Maxwell formulated the laws of electromagnetism not as one equation but as four 
interrelated equations, each defining a fundamental relation, i.e. formalizing 
the findings of Gauss, Faraday, and Ampere. Perhaps to formalize information we 
will need at least three: corresponding to medium properties, referential 
properties, and significance properties— and possibly a fourth defining 
interpretation (though this may be what the
three together define)

I. Words

The Semantic Web: Words are interconnected –they form a Semantic Web. Their 
meaning arises in association with all the other words in their language and, 
as is the case with the word information, in association with its Latin and 
French origins. Words are entangled, networked, interdependent, interconnected, 
interwoven, elements of a web, contextualized.

No word is an island entire of itself; every word is a piece of the language 
from which it emerges, a part of the language; the death of any association 
with a word diminishes it because every word is involved with every other word. 
Never ask what is the exact meaning of a word or for whom that word has 
meaning; depending on all your experiences that word tolls for thee and has a 
particular meaning for thee. (A riff on John Donne’s 'No Man is an Island'):

No man is an island entire of itself; every man
is a piece of the continent, a part of the main;
if a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe
is the less, as well as if a promontory were, as
well as any manner of thy friends or of thine
own were; any man's death diminishes me,
because I am involved in mankind.
And therefore never send to know for whom
the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.  

That no word is an island is especially true of the following words:

Information, Inform, Form, Formal, Formal Cause, Formality, Formation (in 
English this word has the meaning of a form of organization whereas in French 
it has the meaning of training).  And these associations are just the beginning.

Formal cause links to efficient cause, material cause and final cause ala 

Origin of the word information as forming the mind:

“The English word information according to the Oxford English Dictionary (OED) 
first appears in the written record in 1386 by Chaucer: “Whanne Melibee hadde 
herd the grete skiles and resons of Dame Prudence, and hire wise informacions 
and techynges.” The word is derived from Latin through French by combining the 
word inform meaning giving a form to the mind with the ending “ation” denoting 
a noun of action. This earliest definition refers to an item of training or 
molding of the mind (Logan 2014).”

Other words associated with information:

Interpretation, interpret, clarify, construe, decipher, depict, elucidate, 
explicate, connotation, exegetics

Sign: significance, signify, signification, significant, sign, designate, 
specify, identify

Reference, refer, referee, referential, infer, indicate, indicative, index, 
point out,

Represent, stand for

Semiotics: icon, index, symbol

Language, concept, conceive, percept, perceive

Language, semantics, syntax, pragmatics, grammar, langue, parole (as defined by 
de Saussure)

Inspire; Inspiration;

Meaning, the mean, the means


Cybernetics – Wiener - feedback

Medium; The medium is the message; The two messages of a medium: its content 
and its effect independent of its content - McLuhan.


Communicate, communication, commune

Rhetoric; Context; The context of information helps define the meaning of a 
communication or utterance; Feedforward – I. A. Richards, pragmatics

Figure/ground: The meaning, significance or the interpretation of a figure 
depends on the ground. environment or surroundings it operates in - McLuhan

Umwelt innenwelt umgebung – Euxkull

One can apply the notion of umwelt to humans and each individual has their own 
unique umwelt or context in which they percieve the world and conceive their 
thoughts. Their innenwelt or self-oriented features shape their umgebung or 
world-oriented features. Translating this into McLuhan speak the innenwelt is 
the ground and the umgebung is the figure from which I conclude it is the 
innenwelt that detrmines the interpretation of what is perceived to form the 
umgebung, or world-oriented features. 
Shannon information, sender, channel, receiver

Selective information versus structural information: “Mackay’s first move was 
to rescue information that affected the receiver’s mindset from the 
‘subjective’ label. He proposed that both Shannon and Bavelas were concerned 
with what he called Selective information, that is information calculated by 
considering the selection of message elements from a set. But selective 
information alone is not enough; also required is another kind of information 
that he called ‘structural.’ Structural information indicates how selective 
information is to be understood; it is a message about how to interpret a 
message—that is, it is a metacommunication (Hayles 1999a, pp. 54-55 cited by 
Logan 2014).” [bolding mine]

Shannon was not shannonian {He did not overdo the interpretation of Shannonian 
entropy as did many advocates of information theory.
Understand, comprehend, apprehend, appreciate,

Respond, reply

Deixis (deictic) words that point, words and phrases that cannot be fully 
understood without additional contextual information; a word whose meaning is 
dependent on context

Words are woven together to form a text just as threads are woven to form a 
textile, which usually refers to written communication. There is also the 
notion that one spins a yarn, which describes oral communication.

Letters, literacy, literal

Data, Information, Knowledge, Wisdom: The relationship of data, information, 
knowledge and wisdom

“Where is the wisdom we have lost in knowledge?

Where is the knowledge we have lost in information?” ­– TS Eliot

“Where is the meaning we have lost in information?” ­– RK Logan

“• Data are the pure and simple facts without any particular structure or 
organization, the

  basic atoms of information,

• Information is structured data, which adds meaning to the data and gives it 
context and


• Knowledge is the ability to use information strategically to achieve one's 
objectives, and

• Wisdom is the capacity to choose objectives consistent with one's values and 
within a larger social context (Logan 2014).”


Robert K. Logan
Prof. Emeritus - Physics - U. of Toronto 
Chief Scientist - sLab at OCAD

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