Re: [Fis] Sustainability through multilevel research: The Lifel, Deep Society Build-A-Thon - 1

2015-12-18 Thread Stanley N Salthe
Nikhil --  Leaving aside details of hierarchical structure, I point out,
concerning economics:

It seems that you have in mind a global economic system in your planning.
Is that so? I think that the current global capitalist system would need to
be eschewed.

Then, this also would seem to involve a world government, placing the types
of agriculture in their optimal regions, etc.

Alternative;y, perhaps your system might function on an island like


On Thu, Dec 17, 2015 at 3:52 AM, Nikhil Joshi 

> Dear All,
> The research presented here is focused on gleaning insights leading to new
> solutions to the economics vs ecosystem conflict. The roots of many of
> our problems in ecological sustainability lie in the fact that our
> socio-economic systems are largely focused on fulfilling only human needs
> and the needs of human organizations. In doing so, as pointed out by Pedro,
> Bob, Francesco and others in this group our economics largely ignores the
> productive value of our ecosystems and the true costs of our development on
> our life supporting living systems.
> I term such a society as a “shallow society”, a society that is focused on
> the development of a single species and largely ignores the value of its
> own life-supporting living systems. With global population predicted to
> grow to 9 billion people, the next level of human development requires a
> transition of human society from being a “shallow society” that is only
> focused on only human needs to what I call a “deep society”. A deep
> society is a society that includes all living systems in its development.
> In this view, a deep society is not only focused on needs of human beings
> and their organizations but its development models also include development
> of the entire gamut of life-supporting living systems. Such a society
> grows not by exploiting the resources of a living planet, but also it
> possesses the capability to nurture, grow and actively manage a “living
> planet” (and perhaps seed life on other planets as well). Human
> development in the future will require the creation of new capabilities to
> develop models leading to a deep society. The question then is- can we
> develop systems that will enable a fair-value reciprocity and exchange
> between living ecosystems and economic systems?
> While, the notion that economics does not adequately value natural
> systems has been highlighted by many researchers in the field of ecological
> economics. Ideas on how natural systems can be understood, valued and
> integrated into economics have remained elusive. A multilevel view (like
> the one presented here) allows one to compare socio-economic
> organizations with natural organizations and could also provide new
> insights into how the dynamics of natural ecosystems could be synergised
> with economic systems.
> The model presented in the kick-off session shows two levels of
> energetically and materially coupled exchange networks in ecosystems. At
> the first level of exchange networks geochemical molecules are organized
> into different autotrophic species, and modulated by Mycorrhiza (level 1).
> Different autotrophic species then become food for the different
> heterotrophic species hence giving rise to the next higher level of
> exchange networks in ecosystems, modulated by gut bacterial networks (Level
> 2). The question then is- how does nature organize to build-in synergies
> between these two levels?
> At level 1, Mycorrhiza networks are known to modulate growth rates across
> different autotrophic species by providing phosphorous to different
> autotrophic species in quantitative exchange for carbohydrates. Autotrophic
> species (or groups of autotrophic species) that provide more carbohydrate
> hence get more phosphorous. Hence carbohydrates play a role in influencing
> phosphorous allocation across different autotrophic species connected to a
> Mycorrhiza network. At the next higher level in the exchange networks
> between different autotrophic species and different heterotrophic species
> gut bacteria use carbohydrates to modulate growth rates in heterotrophic
> species. Hence carbohydrates seem to play a role both in influencing
> dynamics in exchange networks at level 1, as well as in influencing
> dynamics in exchange networks at level 2.
> *Could such an organization where carbohydrates are a common influencing
> factor in exchanges at both levels serve to align both levels towards
> increasing overall carbohydrate production in ecosystems (hence increasing
> the overall primary production in ecosystems) by synergizing dynamics
> across both levels (and two different modulator networks)?*
> *Could this two-level role of carbohydrates provide new insights on
> aligning the third level of exchange networks (and our financial investment
> networks) with underling ecosystem exchange networks at level 1 and 2? *
> At this stage, these and other ideas presented here require much fu

[Fis] Symmetry Conference in Vienna

2015-12-18 Thread Pedro C. Marijuan

Dear FIS Colleagues,

This is an invitation to arrange a FIS session on Information and 
Symmetry in the Conference next year in Vienna (18-22 July 2016).
I am trying to attach a descriptive file, but probably the server will 
reject it. So herewith a brief description:

The World Largest Multidisciplinary Conference & Art Festival in 
Symmetry Studies
Organized by SYMMETRION, under the auspices of the International 
Symmetry Association,
in cooperation with the Bertalanffy Center for Systems Science and the 
Technical University of Wien.


-International Scientific Conference, including Talks and Workshops
-Art Exhibits, including Contemporary Art and Origami Exhibition
-Teacher Programs and Book Shows Concerts, Performances and Movies
-Family Day and Public Programs

15 February 2016 -- Abstract Submission
1 June 2016 -- Early Bird Registration.

Other worldwide symmetry events in the past:
Symmetry Festival 2013 Delft; SF 2009, SF 2006, SF 2003 Budapest;
Symmetry Congress 1998 Haifa; SC 1995, Washington D.C.;
SC 1992, Hiroshima; Symmetry of Structure Symposium 1989 Budapest.

FIS interested parties may send me their participation intent offline, 
so that we can finally arrange a fis section

(as we did in some other Symmetry events in the past).

Best greetings to all,

Pedro C. Marijuán
Grupo de Bioinformación / Bioinformation Group
Instituto Aragonés de Ciencias de la Salud
Centro de Investigación Biomédica de Aragón (CIBA)
Avda. San Juan Bosco, 13, planta X
50009 Zaragoza, Spain
Tfno. +34 976 71 3526 (& 6818)

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