[Fis] _ Re: _ Towards a 3φ integrative medicine

2016-05-14 Thread Dr. Plamen L. Simeonov
Dear Colleagues,

for those whose email systems do not support special characters like Greek
letters (s. first concept explained in note 1), I have placed a PDF version
of my opening on the cloud:
Please let me know if you register other problems in the communication.



On Sat, May 14, 2016 at 9:49 AM, Dr. Plamen L. Simeonov <
plamen.l.simeo...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear Colleagues,
> My contribution will finalize the discussion on phenomenology in the
> domains of biology, mathematics, cyber/biosemiotics and physics by the
> previous speakers (Maxine, Lou, Sœren and Alex) with a “challenging topic”
> in *3φ integrative medicine*. *You may wish to skip the small font text
> notes following each underscored phrase like the one below.*
> *Note 1:* Although this term is often used as synonym for holistic
> healing (s. ref. list A), its meaning in this context with the prefix 3φ
> goes much “deeper” into the disciplines’ integration leaving no room for
> speculations by mainstream scientists. The concept is a linguistic choice
> of mine for the intended merge of the complexity sciences *ph*ysics and
> *ph*ysiology with *ph*enomenology for application in modern medicine
> along the line of integral biomathics (s. ref. list B).
> It is rooted in the last presentation of Alex Hankey, since it naturally
> provides the link from physics to physiology and medicine, and thus to an
> anthropocentric domain implying a leading part of phenomenological studies.
> To begin, I compiled a précis of Alex’ thesis about self-organized
> criticality (s. ref. list C) from his paper “A New Approach to Biology and
> Medicine” -- the download link to it was distributed in a previous email of
> him -- and extended it with my reflections including some questions I hope
> you will resonate on.
> I am curious of your opinion about how to apply the scientific method, and
> in particular mathematics and information science, to study illness and
> recovery as complex phenomena.
> *Alex Hankey: self-organized criticality and regulation in living systems*
> *There is a continuous growth and change at the end of a phase transition
> in an organism, i.e. at its critical point, which is the end point of phase
> equilibrium.*
> *Both endo and exo, genetics and epigenetics are important for life.*
> *Self-organized criticality* is a characteristic state of a system at its
> critical point generated by self-organization during a long transient
> period at the complexity edge between order/stability/predictability and
> disorder/chaos/unpredictability.
> *Regulation of growth, form and function as a balance between health and
> illness.* The role of regulation and homeostasis in maintaining the
> structure and function of living systems is critical. Every deviation from
> a regulated state of being leads to imbalances, failures and subsystem
> dysfunction that is usually transitory, but could also become
> life-threatening, if the organism cannot find a way to restore quickly to a
> balanced, healthy state. Living beings are robust and fault-tolerant with
> respect to hazards; they possess multiple alternative pathways for
> supplying and maintaining their existential functions. However, some state
> transitions in response to severe harms can become practically
> irreversible, because of the deep evolutionary interlocking between the
> participating entities and processes. Sometimes the normal functioning of
> the organism cannot be easily restored by its natural repair processes,
> especially when adversities reoccur frequently, and the organism fails ill.
> *Synchronicity of action and information between the building blocks of a
> living system.* There is a need for every physiological function to be
> correctly coordinated with all other “peer” functions. Information flows
> within a living system interconnect all physiological functions and organs
> at multiple levels into a single mesh of regulatory interconnections.
> Multiple feedback-control loops enable the cross-functional interlocking of
> both healthy and ill state changes of the organism.
> Adjacent/peripheral/secondary homeostasis processes act as fine-tuning
> catalyzers of substrate ratios and process rates exchanged within the
> living system. Imbalances of these quantities lead to excess/blockage or
> scarcity/draining of essential nourishment and information exchange
> pathways.
> *Regulation at criticality* not only fine-tunes a process, it *optimizes*
> it for survival: with respect to a given generation’s available
> possibilities in the light of the past generations’ possibilities. To
> survive an organism or a species needs to develop optimal
> *response-ability* to environmental distress.
> *New ecological definition of life according to Hankey: self-regulating,
> se

Re: [Fis] _ Towards a 3φ integrative medicine

2016-05-14 Thread Francesco Rizzo
Caro Plamen e Cari Tutti,
sottolineo lo stile pedagogico e l'efficacia comunicativa di questo
eccellente contributo. Desidero soffermarmi sulla nota 5. della
fenomenologia. La discontinuità o il salto brusco e traumatico tra una
situazione e l'altra è frutto di una trasmutazione che caratterizza i
"momenti" decisivi e strategici di qualunque settore della esperienza
esistenziale e cognitiva. Tutto e dappertutto avviene secondo un processo
economico basato sull'asimmetria creativa che rompe ogni simmetria e
determina i cambiamenti evolutivi da cui dipende la vita. La vita, miracolo
dei miracoli, non è un e-vento ordinario, ma un insi-eme di fatti
imprevedibili, sconvolgenti, asimmetrici. Il cosmo è (o potrebbe essere)
iniziato in modo arbitrario, cioè indipendente da qualunque conoscenza
umana, e si svolge (o potrebbe svolgersi) in modo arbitrario, nel senso che
le rotture o le discontinuità provocate dalle singolarità o asimmetrie sono
( o potrebbero essere) il risultato di una sua intrinseca creatività che
sfugge al dominio dell'uomo al quale è possibile (?) conoscere sola la
"realtà" compresa tra una singolarità e l'altra. Questo discorso potrebbe
continuare a lungo, cosa che non faccio rinviando, almeno, alle pagine
211-231 di Rizzo F., "Etica dei valori economici o economia dei valori
etici" (FrancoAngeli, Milano, 2004).
Il meccanismo che trasforma un mondo ideale, dove tutto si muove alla
velocità della luce, nel nostro mondo reale è proprio quello di Higgs
basato sulla "rottura spontanea della simmetria" di gauge. Quindi partendo
dal mondo a massa nulla, si può rompere spontaneamente la simmetria di
gauge, originando la massa delle particelle, che interagiscono con la
particella di Higgs. Tutto ciò è possibile se la particella di Higgs
interagisce con se stessa o, come dicono i fisici, se il campo di Higgs è
auto-interagente. Questo effetto è un ingrediente cruciale della particella
di Higgs che genera le masse di tutte le particelle e auto-genera anche la
sua massa (cfr. Rizzo F., "Incontro d'amore tra il cuore della fede e
l'intelligenza della scienza. Un salto nel cielo", Aracne editrice, Roma,
2014, pp. 598-604).
Quando il mondo fu creato o si formò la materia e l'anti-materia erano
presenti in proporzioni uguali o simmetriche, poi si verificò un ancora
sconosciuto fenomeno che ruppe questa simmetria e l'antimateria scomparve o
si ridusse o fu neutralizzata oppure non so cosa sia accaduto e non lo sa
nessuno. Ma una cosa è certa che lo scioglimento o la frattura di quella
simmetria consente la nostra vita, che altrimenti non ci sarebbe.
Noi viviamo in un mondo frattale imprevedibile, irregolare, discontinuo,
asimmetrico, caratterizzato dalle leggi esponenziali o di potenza, come
afferma anche la. Nuova economia (cfr. Rizzo F., "Nuova economia", Aracne
editrice, Roma, 2013).
In conclusione, sapendo che sono stato molto schematico e frammentario, il
pensare economico, più che il pensiero economico, fa diventare la
fenomenologia più brillante, pregnante e cognitiva. La libertà economica,
infatti, è condizione della libertà di pensiero ed illumina la vita.
Grazie e auguri, questo è un bel dibattito che non avrà mai nè vinti nè

2016-05-14 9:49 GMT+02:00 Dr. Plamen L. Simeonov <

> Dear Colleagues,
> My contribution will finalize the discussion on phenomenology in the
> domains of biology, mathematics, cyber/biosemiotics and physics by the
> previous speakers (Maxine, Lou, Sœren and Alex) with a “challenging topic”
> in *3φ integrative medicine*. *You may wish to skip the small font text
> notes following each underscored phrase like the one below.*
> *Note 1:* Although this term is often used as synonym for holistic
> healing (s. ref. list A), its meaning in this context with the prefix 3φ
> goes much “deeper” into the disciplines’ integration leaving no room for
> speculations by mainstream scientists. The concept is a linguistic choice
> of mine for the intended merge of the complexity sciences *ph*ysics and
> *ph*ysiology with *ph*enomenology for application in modern medicine
> along the line of integral biomathics (s. ref. list B).
> It is rooted in the last presentation of Alex Hankey, since it naturally
> provides the link from physics to physiology and medicine, and thus to an
> anthropocentric domain implying a leading part of phenomenological studies.
> To begin, I compiled a précis of Alex’ thesis about self-organized
> criticality (s. ref. list C) from his paper “A New Approach to Biology and
> Medicine” -- the download link to it was distributed in a previous email of
> him -- and extended it with my reflections including some questions I hope
> you will resonate on.
> I am curious of your opinion about how to apply the scientific method, and
> in particular mathematics and information science, to study illness and
> recovery as complex phenomena.
> *Alex Hankey: self-organized criticality and regulation in li

[Fis] _ RE: _ Towards a 3φ integrative medicine

2016-05-14 Thread Koichiro Matsuno
At 4:50PM 05/14/2016, Plamen L. Simeonov wrote:


The key question in such a “deep holistic” physically-phenomenological 
physiology (3φ) is how to define or comprehend (self-organized) criticality 
operationally within the unifying framework of biomathematics and 


   Let me start with paraphrasing this statement in a pedestrian manner. 
Consider, for instance, the serious physiological issue of metastatic melanoma. 
The microenvironment of the melanoma cells seems to affect the gene expression 
programs with use of a lot of transcription factors. What is unique to the 
genotypic conditions of melanoma tumors is that the malignant cells within the 
same tumor displays transcriptional heterogeneity associated with the cell 
cycle, spatial context and a drug-resistance program, etc. That is to say, a 
subset of genes expressed by one cell type may influence the propagation of 
other cell types as riding on the vehicle of intercellular communication for 
tumor phenotype   
(science.sciencemag.org/content/352/6282/189 ).  


   One strenuous problem surrounding metastatic melanoma is in the difficulty 
in conceiving of its global state description  because of its metastatic 
nature. The situation would seem almost similar to the unattainability of the 
macro-state description at the critical point of a phase transition in 
statistical mechanics as Alex Hankey called our attention to. In contrast, the 
unattainability of a state description is everywhere in biology. Exchange of 
matter that is ubiquitous in biology makes its state description unlikely right 
in the middle of the exchange process, while the state description might 
recover either before or after the exchange event. 


   In any case, one decisive event making criticality durable must have been 
the origins of life on our Earth, as taking advantage of a lot of 
counterfactual conditionals on the ground of first come, first served. 


   Koichiro Matsuno




Fis mailing list

[Fis] _ Towards a 3φ integrative medicine

2016-05-14 Thread Dr. Plamen L. Simeonov
Dear Colleagues,

My contribution will finalize the discussion on phenomenology in the
domains of biology, mathematics, cyber/biosemiotics and physics by the
previous speakers (Maxine, Lou, Sœren and Alex) with a “challenging topic”
in *3φ integrative medicine*. *You may wish to skip the small font text
notes following each underscored phrase like the one below.*

*Note 1:* Although this term is often used as synonym for holistic healing
(s. ref. list A), its meaning in this context with the prefix 3φ goes much
“deeper” into the disciplines’ integration leaving no room for speculations
by mainstream scientists. The concept is a linguistic choice of mine for
the intended merge of the complexity sciences *ph*ysics and *ph*ysiology
with *ph*enomenology for application in modern medicine along the line of
integral biomathics (s. ref. list B).

It is rooted in the last presentation of Alex Hankey, since it naturally
provides the link from physics to physiology and medicine, and thus to an
anthropocentric domain implying a leading part of phenomenological studies.
To begin, I compiled a précis of Alex’ thesis about self-organized
criticality (s. ref. list C) from his paper “A New Approach to Biology and
Medicine” -- the download link to it was distributed in a previous email of
him -- and extended it with my reflections including some questions I hope
you will resonate on.

I am curious of your opinion about how to apply the scientific method, and
in particular mathematics and information science, to study illness and
recovery as complex phenomena.

*Alex Hankey: self-organized criticality and regulation in living systems*

*There is a continuous growth and change at the end of a phase transition
in an organism, i.e. at its critical point, which is the end point of phase

*Both endo and exo, genetics and epigenetics are important for life.*

*Self-organized criticality* is a characteristic state of a system at its
critical point generated by self-organization during a long transient
period at the complexity edge between order/stability/predictability and

*Regulation of growth, form and function as a balance between health and
illness.* The role of regulation and homeostasis in maintaining the
structure and function of living systems is critical. Every deviation from
a regulated state of being leads to imbalances, failures and subsystem
dysfunction that is usually transitory, but could also become
life-threatening, if the organism cannot find a way to restore quickly to a
balanced, healthy state. Living beings are robust and fault-tolerant with
respect to hazards; they possess multiple alternative pathways for
supplying and maintaining their existential functions. However, some state
transitions in response to severe harms can become practically
irreversible, because of the deep evolutionary interlocking between the
participating entities and processes. Sometimes the normal functioning of
the organism cannot be easily restored by its natural repair processes,
especially when adversities reoccur frequently, and the organism fails ill.

*Synchronicity of action and information between the building blocks of a
living system.* There is a need for every physiological function to be
correctly coordinated with all other “peer” functions. Information flows
within a living system interconnect all physiological functions and organs
at multiple levels into a single mesh of regulatory interconnections.
Multiple feedback-control loops enable the cross-functional interlocking of
both healthy and ill state changes of the organism.
Adjacent/peripheral/secondary homeostasis processes act as fine-tuning
catalyzers of substrate ratios and process rates exchanged within the
living system. Imbalances of these quantities lead to excess/blockage or
scarcity/draining of essential nourishment and information exchange

*Regulation at criticality* not only fine-tunes a process, it *optimizes*
it for survival: with respect to a given generation’s available
possibilities in the light of the past generations’ possibilities. To
survive an organism or a species needs to develop optimal *response-ability*
to environmental distress.

*New ecological definition of life according to Hankey: self-regulating,
self-reproducing systems that maximize efficiency of function to maximize
competitiveness in their chosen environment. *

*Summary: Elements of self-organized criticality*

   1. Criticality
   2. Edge of the chaos
   3. Self-organized criticality
   4. 1/f fractal patterns of response

*… and beyond*

I wish to add a 5th aspect to this definition from the perspective of
integral biomathics:

   1. *Phenomenology*

The latter is a largely studied matter in contemporary medicine (s. ref.
list D), at least at the macro, interpersonal *level*.

*Note 2*: A level refers to the compositional hierarchy defining levels by

*The key question in such a