Dear Arturo and FISers,

The last paragraphs of your chess game, pretty exciting, remind me strongly on the role that I have been attributing to cellular signaling systems, and the radical difference they have with metabolic cellular networks, although finally both are interrelated into the advancement of a life cycle at the cellular scale. As I have often commented, it is like reading the newspaper versus eating a sandwich, or better reading the menu carte versus devouring it.

Going back to nervous systems, the approach presented reminds me, more and more, the work of Kenneth Paul Collins in late 1980s and early 90s. His work was condensed in : /"On the Automation of Knowledge Within Central Nervous Systems."/ Unpublished Manuscript, presented as a poster at the AAAS Meeting in 1991, Boston. (Sorry Malcolm for giving the "reference" so late). I talked with him there, and was impressed by his work and kept in touch with him for several years. With his permission, I translated it into Spanish, changing some not well-solved aspects and adding a few more stuff: /"El Cerebro Dual: Un Acercamiento Interdisciplinar a la Naturaleza del Conocimiento Humano y Biológico" /Authors: KP Collins and PC Marijuan, published by /Editorial Hacer, Barcelona (1997)/. "The central principle of Duality Theory [am quoting from Kenneth, p.3] is that the neural arrays of the vertebrate Central Nervous System are physically organized so that their functioning will blindly minimize the sum of the topologically-distributed ratios of excitation to inhibition that occur within them."

Many more interesting quotations could be cited. But his manuscript of more than 100 dense pages did not attract any attention except a very few parties (essentially, me). He went down and down and my final indirect news were from some discussion lists where he was trolling in a sick way. At that time, I had received some alarming news from himself about his own deteriorating mental health... (late 90s/early 2000s).

Anyhow, in 1997 I published /"The Topological Inventions of Life: From the Specialization of Multicellular Colonies to the Functioning of the Vertebrate Brain."/ World Futures, 1997. 50. 617-631., where I was summarizing the basic tenets of his theory, and I have kept mentioning him in some of my publications. The point is that his work anticipated basic ideas nowadays developed by Arturo and James, Friston, Sengupta, etc. about CNS overall optimization principles, entropy/information, symmetries & antisymmetries, dynamic connectome, learning & trophic mechanisms, behavioral propensities, etc. He was particularly great connecting the abstract processing of neural information with human behavior, learning biases, emotional reactions ("the prejudice towards the familiar", violence, depression). With today's' new knowledge, some gaps in those views may be filled in, and viceversa, we could work and throw a new light upon his great behavioral insights. That's my personal opinion, of course, that was not very well received when I tried to talk about with relevant neuroscientists.

Well, it was a good occasion to tell this story in the list, that has always troubled me, and that now finally has found avantgarde germane developments.

Best wishes--Pedro


El 12/12/2016 a las 16:44, escribió:

Coming back to our chessboard, this means that information can be studied in terms of systems’ symmetries and changes in dimensions, rather than in terms of entropies and energetic gradient descents. An object (on an event) embedded in an environment encompasses a certain amount of information, but such information increases when you add a further dimension to the environment (NOTE: non necessarily a spatial dimension, but also other possible ones, such as an increase of complexity). Indeed, a dimension more gives you a coordinate more, and therefore more information. To make the usual example, the 2D shadow of a cat encompasses less information than a 3D cat. Some authors start from a very low number of dimensions (e.g., the holographic Universe of t’Hooft and Susskind), others from an high number (claims dating back to Spinoza and Kant and going through our Universe made of eleven-dimensional Kaluza-Klein manifolds and subsequent decrease of dimensions, until our 3D plus time perceivable environment). It does not matter: when projecting among levels, information is always a function of the number of dimensions. In such a framework, the role of energy is different from the role of information: the energy is something "injected" from the external "environment" into the system, in order to produce the change of coordinates into the system; on the other side, the changes of information can be detected into the system, and depend on the energy just indirectly (second-hand). In other words: a) the system's change of dimensions dictates the change in information, while b) the changes in energy dictate the projective mechanisms that allow the changes in system's dimensions. It is a subtle, but foremost difference, that can be highlighted just taking into account a very general topological framework. This is one of the examples of the importance of the topological meta-language in the study of science foundations.

Arturo Tozzi

Pedro C. Marijuán
Grupo de Bioinformación / Bioinformation Group
Instituto Aragonés de Ciencias de la Salud
Centro de Investigación Biomédica de Aragón (CIBA)
Avda. San Juan Bosco, 13, planta 0
50009 Zaragoza, Spain
Tfno. +34 976 71 3526 (& 6818)

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