Re: [Fis] Further Discussion . . .

2017-02-10 Thread Francesco Rizzo
P. s.:
Ho dimenticato di digitare che le pagine citate sono fitte, intense e

2017-02-10 15:07 GMT+01:00 Francesco Rizzo <>:

> Cari colleghi,
> lasciateVi  e lasciatemi dire che le cellule, essendo detentrici e
> portatrici di INFORMAZIONE genetica, COMUNICANO o scelgono di NON
> COMUNICARE tra loro nel bene o nel male e non possono avere alcun altro
> SIGNIFICATO-funzione. Sono stato sempre convinto di questo, come dimostrano
> in maniera organica e sistematica, fra le tante altre, le pagine 115-121 di
> "Etica dei valori economici o economia dei valori etici"  (FrancoAngeli,
> Milano, 2003), Purtroppo, l'affermo con serenità e la pace dell'anima,
> questo saggio non ha avuto il successo che meritava!
> Un saluto cordiale.
> Francecso Rizzo
> 2017-02-09 17:41 GMT+01:00 Pedro C. Marijuan :
>> Dear Marcus and Colleagues,
>> Thanks for your interest. The Chengdu's Conference represented for me an
>> occasion to return to my beginnings, in the 80's, when I prepared a PhD
>> Thesis: "Natural Intelligence: On the evolution of biological information
>> processing". It was mostly following a top down approach. But in some of
>> the discussions outdoors of the conference (a suggestion for the next one
>> in Shanghai: plenary discussion sessions should also be organized) I
>> realized that biomolecular things have changed quite a lot. One could go
>> nowadays the other way around: from the molecular-informational
>> organization of cellular life, to intelligence of the cell's behavior
>> withing the environment. The life cycle es essential. It provides the
>> source of "meaning" (as I have often argued in discussions in the list) but
>> it is also the reference for "intelligence". Communicating with the
>> environment and self-producing by means of the environmental affordances
>> have to be smoothly organized so that the stages of the life cycle may be
>> advanced, and that the "problems" arising from the internal or the external
>> may be adequately solved. It means signalling and self-modifying in front
>> of the open-ended environmental problems, sensing and acting coherently...
>> It strangely connects with the notion of human "story" and the
>> communication cycle in the humanities. Relating intelligence to goal
>> accomplishment or to an architecture of goals as usually done in
>> computational realms implies that the real life course (or the surrogate)
>> is reduced to a very narrow segment. True intelligence evaporates.
>> These were some of my brute reflections that I have to keep musing around
>> (I saw interesting repercussions for cellular signaling "narratives" too).
>> Maybe this is also a good opportunity for other parties of that conference
>> to expostulate their own impressions --very exciting presentations both
>> from Chinese and Western colleagues there.
>> Thanks again,
>> --Pedro
>> El 08/02/2017 a las 14:14, Marcus Abundis escribió:
>> > In next weeks some further discussion might be started, but at the
>> time being, the slot is empty (any ideas?)<
>> Hi Pedro,
>> For my part I would appreciate a chance to hear more about the thoughts
>> you have been developing (even if they are very rough) as related to the
>> talk you gave in China last summer.
>> Alternatively, further thoughts on Gordana's talk would be nice to hear.
>> For both of these talks, you both shared your presentation stack . . .
>> but there was so much information in both of those talks, it would be nice
>> to have some of "unpacked."
>> Marcus
>> ___
>> Fis mailing 
>> listFis@listas.unizar.es
>> --
>> -
>> Pedro C. Marijuán
>> Grupo de Bioinformación / Bioinformation Group
>> Instituto Aragonés de Ciencias de la Salud
>> Centro de Investigación Biomédica de Aragón (CIBA)
>> Avda. San Juan Bosco, 13, planta 0
>> 50009 Zaragoza, Spain
>> Tfno. +34 976 71 3526 <+34%20976%2071%2035%2026> (& 
>> 6818)pcmarijuan.iacs@aragon.es
>> -
>> ___
>> Fis mailing list
Fis mailing list

Re: [Fis] Further Discussion . . .

2017-02-10 Thread Francesco Rizzo
Cari colleghi,
lasciateVi  e lasciatemi dire che le cellule, essendo detentrici e
portatrici di INFORMAZIONE genetica, COMUNICANO o scelgono di NON
COMUNICARE tra loro nel bene o nel male e non possono avere alcun altro
SIGNIFICATO-funzione. Sono stato sempre convinto di questo, come dimostrano
in maniera organica e sistematica, fra le tante altre, le pagine 115-121 di
"Etica dei valori economici o economia dei valori etici"  (FrancoAngeli,
Milano, 2003), Purtroppo, l'affermo con serenità e la pace dell'anima,
questo saggio non ha avuto il successo che meritava!
Un saluto cordiale.
Francecso Rizzo

2017-02-09 17:41 GMT+01:00 Pedro C. Marijuan :

> Dear Marcus and Colleagues,
> Thanks for your interest. The Chengdu's Conference represented for me an
> occasion to return to my beginnings, in the 80's, when I prepared a PhD
> Thesis: "Natural Intelligence: On the evolution of biological information
> processing". It was mostly following a top down approach. But in some of
> the discussions outdoors of the conference (a suggestion for the next one
> in Shanghai: plenary discussion sessions should also be organized) I
> realized that biomolecular things have changed quite a lot. One could go
> nowadays the other way around: from the molecular-informational
> organization of cellular life, to intelligence of the cell's behavior
> withing the environment. The life cycle es essential. It provides the
> source of "meaning" (as I have often argued in discussions in the list) but
> it is also the reference for "intelligence". Communicating with the
> environment and self-producing by means of the environmental affordances
> have to be smoothly organized so that the stages of the life cycle may be
> advanced, and that the "problems" arising from the internal or the external
> may be adequately solved. It means signalling and self-modifying in front
> of the open-ended environmental problems, sensing and acting coherently...
> It strangely connects with the notion of human "story" and the
> communication cycle in the humanities. Relating intelligence to goal
> accomplishment or to an architecture of goals as usually done in
> computational realms implies that the real life course (or the surrogate)
> is reduced to a very narrow segment. True intelligence evaporates.
> These were some of my brute reflections that I have to keep musing around
> (I saw interesting repercussions for cellular signaling "narratives" too).
> Maybe this is also a good opportunity for other parties of that conference
> to expostulate their own impressions --very exciting presentations both
> from Chinese and Western colleagues there.
> Thanks again,
> --Pedro
> El 08/02/2017 a las 14:14, Marcus Abundis escribió:
> > In next weeks some further discussion might be started, but at the
> time being, the slot is empty (any ideas?)<
> Hi Pedro,
> For my part I would appreciate a chance to hear more about the thoughts
> you have been developing (even if they are very rough) as related to the
> talk you gave in China last summer.
> Alternatively, further thoughts on Gordana's talk would be nice to hear.
> For both of these talks, you both shared your presentation stack . . . but
> there was so much information in both of those talks, it would be nice to
> have some of "unpacked."
> Marcus
> ___
> Fis mailing 
> listFis@listas.unizar.es
> --
> -
> Pedro C. Marijuán
> Grupo de Bioinformación / Bioinformation Group
> Instituto Aragonés de Ciencias de la Salud
> Centro de Investigación Biomédica de Aragón (CIBA)
> Avda. San Juan Bosco, 13, planta 0
> 50009 Zaragoza, Spain
> Tfno. +34 976 71 3526 <+34%20976%2071%2035%2026> (& 
> 6818)pcmarijuan.iacs@aragon.es
> -
> ___
> Fis mailing list
Fis mailing list