Dear Krassimir and friends
I often follow Fis discussions with much interest but rarely contribute. 
However, your current information/data debate is too good to miss; beautifully 
summarised by Krassimir's simple equation, using carefully chosen entities. 
Don't quite get the d=r.
It seems.... to me................! Data (that which is given) is objective: 
the combination of discrete entities or disturbances (energy bundles, photons, 
sounds, numbers, letters etc) ....and... Information (that which is created) is 
subjective: 'collated or interpreted data' dependent upon, and possibly 
existing uniquely in, the eye/mind of each beholder. (your Else)
The ultimate Potential; awesome dark, silent, empty space is the medium within 
which data is potentially transformed, by interpretation, into information, 
meaning, beauty and Love.Can we see Light ? Not without objects/data to reveal 
it. We think we see objects but actually we only see Light. It just needs 
objects and observers for its Revelation. What colour is dew drop?!
Wow our universe is Wonder full.... yet so desperately sad too. Its almost as 
if Love needs pain for its revelation, just as Light needs the Universe
Please forgive my ramblings; thank you very much Krassimir and all for focusing 
my attention on these mysteries
Best wishes
PS Perhaps your 'r' is for 'reflection' of the light, sound.... 


   From: Sungchul Ji <>
 To: Foundation of Information Science <>; 
"" <> 
 Sent: Monday, 9 October 2017, 16:44
 Subject: Re: [Fis] I agree with your considerations.
#yiv0460415527 -- .yiv0460415527EmailQuote 
{margin-left:1pt;padding-left:4pt;border-left:#800000 2px solid;}#yiv0460415527 
#yiv0460415527 --p {margin-top:0;margin-bottom:0;}#yiv0460415527 Hi Krassimir,
You have my permission.Good luck.
SungFrom: Fis <> on behalf of Krassimir Markov 
Sent: Monday, October 9, 2017 5:32:59 AM
To: Foundation of Information Science
Subject: [Fis] I agree with your considerations. Dear Yixin, Sung, Terry, Mark, 
and FIS Colleagues,

I agree with your considerations!

Let me remark that the General Information Theory is much more than a
single concept. You have seen that I have some answers in advance due to
already developed theory.

What is important now is to finish this step and after that to continue
with the next. It may be just the idea about meaning.

What we have till now is the understanding that the information is some
more than data. In other words:

d = r
i = r + e


d => data;
i => information;
r = > reflection;
e => something Else, internal for the subject (interpreter, etc.).

I need a week to finish our common with you current publication and to
send it to co-authors for final editing and after that for reviewing.

Dear Sung, Terry, and Mark, if you agree and give me the permissions, I
shall include your considerations in the end of the paper in the point
"Future work" and shall include you in the co-authors of the paper.

My next (second) post will be at the end of week.

Thank you very much for your great effort!

Friendly greetings

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