Yes, Happy New Year to all! . . . But, I confess to some confusion.

● On seeing the offered New Years session, I wondered 'Why? Hasn't this
issue long been overtaken by events?' Still I was happy to follow along and
see if I might learn something new . . . but it seems my initial intuition
was correct(?) I am still looking for more specific comments to be offered
by Prof. Rossler.

● And then there is matter of 'old business' that is still being discussed!?
John Collier's note left me wondering what his latest version of his own
model looked like (John: could you please send me a recent draft, that I
might study it more closely?)
I know of Terry's work already and feel I know if fairly well, although I
look forward to hearing more recent developments.
I have my own offering on this front (re June-July FIS session) which can
be found at
Both Terry and John have influenced my own thinking on this matter (I
easily confess).

● Re Alex H's post . . . I have some general sympathy for the view he
offered, but I thought this was the type histrionic commentary that was not
going to be tolerated any more? It would be nice to see firm critical
thinking as the lingua franca here . . .

● I echo Terry's interest in Loet's note on a calculus of redundancy, and
hope to hear more.

● I am happy to follow any direction this New Year's session ultimately
follows . . . but I also confess to holding more innate interest in
continuing the exploration of 'the essence of information' vein initiated
late December. In my now-almost-two-years with FIS, this one topic
continually re-surfaces whenever the 'named session topic' seems to loose
steam. It is for that recurrent reason that I thought to make my own
offering last June-July, but we know how that went . . .

I look forward to further guidance, and to contributing when and where I
can . . .

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