Dear “germane” Pedro, 
Thanks a lot for your comments.
Entia non sunt multiplicanda.  It’s the Occam razor: 
it’s better to use the simplest explanation, rather than more complicated 
descriptions of facts and events. 
You talked about metabolic cellular networks, cellular life cycle, abstract 
processing of neural 
information, human behavior, learning biases, emotional reactions, and so on.  
Despite I hate the Occam razor, rejected by the most basic physical assumptions 
(see quantum entanglement and the vacuum that is able to produce matter and to 
display virtual particles), nevertheless it is very useful for the description 
of the brain function and biological systems.  Why is the Occam razor useful, 
in such cases? Because, I think, they are "desperate" cases: despite two 
centuries of true, galileian science, we do not know very much either of living 
beings or the brain function.  To maxe an example, we are not even sure whether 
emotions are completely splitted from higher "cognitive" activities, or are 
Therefore, in such case, I think that our only hope to try to assess such still 
elusive phenomena is to use an approach from "above" and from "afar".     In 
touch with you claims, brain activity can be assessed either at 
anatomical/functional micro-, meso- and macro- spatiotemporal scales of 
observation, or at intertwined levels with mutual interactions.  Every 
neuro-technique is an observational domain of the whole  neuro-scientific 
discipline,  each one evaluating an anatomical or functional scale different 
from the others. 
Dimensional scales, as well as multilevel brain activity, can be assessed in 
terms of algebraic topology, a general framework that holds for all the 
experimental approaches (and "specific" functions) to the central nervous 
system, independent of their 
peculiar features, resolution, magnitude and boundaries.  The Borsuk-Ulam 
theorem tells us that a single feature at a lower level can be mapped to two 
features with matching description at an higher level, and vice versa. 
Therefore, brain activities with matching descriptions embedded in higher 
anatomical or functional nervous levels map to single activities in lower 
scales.This means that activities described in higher observational levels 
necessarily display a counterpart in the lower ones, and vice versa.  Next, 
consider Brouwer’s fixed point theorem: no matter how you continuously slosh 
the coffee around in a coffee cup, some point is always in the same position 
that it was before the sloshing began. And if you move this point out of its 
original position in the sloshing coffee, you will eventually move some other 
points back into their original position.In neurobiological terms, not only we 
can always find a brain region containing an activity, but also every activity 
comes together with another.
This leads to a novel scenario, where different scales of brain activity are 
able to scatter, collide and combine, merging together in an assessable way.  
Therefore, different neuro-techniques and brain functions are dual under 
topological transformation.  The term dual refers to a situation where two 
seemingly different physical systems turn out to be equivalent.  If two 
techniques or phenomena are related by a duality, one can be transformed into 
the other, so that the one ends up looking just like the other.  A topological 
investigation reveals that brain activities always have some element in common: 
they do not exist in isolation, rather they are part of a large interconnected 
whole, with which they interact.The distinction among different coarse-grained 
levels of nervous activity does not count anymore, because nervous function at 
small, medium and large scales of neural observation turn out to be 
topologically equivalent and fully interchangeable. Topological paths elucidate 
how the tight coupling among different neural activities gives rise to brains 
that are in charge of receiving and interpreting signals from other cortical 
zones, in closely intertwined relationships at every spatio-temporal level.
Summarizing, whether you experience pain or pleasure, or chomp on an apple, or 
compute a mathematical expression, or quote a proverb, or remember your 
childhood, or read Heidegger's Being and Time, it does not matter: the large 
repertoire of your brain functions  can be described in the same 
topological fashion.
Arturo Tozzi
AA Professor Physics, University North Texas
Pediatrician ASL Na2Nord, Italy
Comput Intell Lab, University Manitoba
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