Dear Folks,

I do not wish to be negative, but I think this example is contaminated by a 
homunculus. There are so much energy coming into the system from various 
sources that the alleged result is not surprising. I would be glad to be wrong 
but the decision should be up to someone like Terry with far greater knowledge 
than I.

Thank you,


----- Original Message ----- 
From: John Collier 
To: fis 
Sent: Friday, January 15, 2016 8:09 AM
Subject: [Fis] Toyabe 2010 [ Information converted to energy ] / Van den Broeck 
2010 Thermodynamics of Information / Cartlidge 2010 Information converted to 

Stan Salthe sent the item below to Pedro and myself, but not to the list, as he 
had used up his posting allotment. With the permission of both of them, who 
think that this is an important issue, I am posting some brief comments I made 
back to Stan, as well as Stan’s email content, in the hope that the issue will 
get more discussion this time.(I posted a link to the 2010 article when it came 
out.)  The relevant material starts below the line, and Stan’s email forwarded 
from Malcolm Dean is below that. It concerns the use of changed boundary 
conditions to move things rather than energy differences, suggesting that 
information can be used instead of energy to cause changes in a system (another 
way of looking at this is that information can be a force in itself, not merely 
a constraint on other actions). In particular, the final state has greater free 
energy than the initial state (it is in end state potential energy of the 
manipulated particles in an electric field), the energy arising from the 
manipulation of the boundary conditions based on the particle location. The 
original authors described this as information-to-energy conversion.




I posted a different pointer to this to fis some time ago, but the reaction 
from the list was almost nothing, or skeptical, though the main objection was 
that we could understand what was going on without using the information 
concept. My response to that was that not  using the word does not mean that 
the concept is not being used. 


Of course, if you think that information is always meaningful to some 
interpreter (alternatively, always a coding of something that has had meaning 
to some mind, or the like) then the argument in the paper is a nonstarter. I 
would argue that this puts unnecessary obstacles in the way of a unified 
approach to information, and that the issue of the interpretation of 
information gets obscured by presupposing information is carried only by 
meaningful communication. 


John Collier

Professor Emeritus and Senior Research Associate

University of KwaZulu-Natal


From: Stanley N Salthe [] 
Sent: Thursday, 14 January 2016 4:56 PM
To: Pedro Marijuan; John Collier
Subject: Fwd: Toyabe 2010 [ Information converted to energy ] / Van den Broeck 
2010 Thermodynamics of Information / Cartlidge 2010 Information converted to 



---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Malcolm Dean <>
Date: Thu, Jan 14, 2016 at 6:13 AM
Subject: Toyabe 2010 [ Information converted to energy ] / Van den Broeck 2010 
Thermodynamics of Information / Cartlidge 2010 Information converted to energy



Nature Physics 6, 988–992 (2010) doi:10.1038/nphys1821

Experimental demonstration of information-to-energy conversion and validation 
of the generalized Jarzynski equality

Shoichi Toyabe,


Takahiro Sagawa,


Masahito Ueda,


Eiro Muneyuki


& Masaki Sano

In 1929, Leó Szilárd invented a feedback protocol1 in which a hypothetical 
intelligence—dubbed Maxwell’s demon—pumps heat from an isothermal environment 
and transforms it into work. After a long-lasting and intense controversy it 
was finally clarified that the demon’s role does not contradict the second law 
of thermodynamics, implying that we can, in principle, convert information to 
free energy2, 3, 4, 5, 6. An experimental demonstration of this 
information-to-energy conversion, however, has been elusive. Here we 
demonstrate that a non-equilibrium feedback manipulation of a Brownian particle 
on the basis of information about its location achieves a Szilárd-type 
information-to-energy conversion. Using real-time feedback control, the 
particle is made to climb up a spiral-staircase-like potential exerted by an 
electric field and gains free energy larger than the amount of work done on it. 
This enables us to verify the generalized Jarzynski equality7, and suggests a 
new fundamental principle of an ‘information-to-heat engine’ that converts 
information into energy by feedback control.

​    [ <------- Please send this PDF if you have access.  -- M.   ]​




Nature Physics 6, 937–938 (2010) doi:10.1038/nphys1834

Thermodynamics of information: Bits for less or more for bits?
Christian Van den Broeck

Recent advances in the formulation of the second law of thermodynamics have 
rekindled interest in the connections between statistical mechanics and 
information processing. Now a 'Brownian computer' has approached the 
theoretical limits set by the rejuvenated second law. Or has it?
Physics World, 19


November 2010


Information converted to energy

Physicists in Japan have shown experimentally that a particle can be made to do 
work simply by receiving information, rather than energy. They say that their 
demonstration, which uses a feedback system to control the electric potential 
of tiny polystyrene beads, does not violate the second law of thermodynamics 
and could in future lead to new types of microscopic devices.

The experiment, carried out by Shoichi Toyabe of Chuo University in Tokyo and 
colleagues, is essentially the practical realization of a thought experiment 
proposed by James Clerk Maxwell in 1871. Maxwell envisaged a gas initially at 
uniform temperature contained in a box separated into two compartments, with a 
tiny intelligent being, later called "Maxwell's demon", controlling a shutter 
between the two compartments. By knowing the velocity of every molecule in the 
box, the demon can in principle time the opening and closing of the shutter to 
allow the build-up of faster molecules in one compartment and slower ones in 
the other. In this way, the demon can decrease the entropy inside the box 
without transferring energy directly to the particles, in apparent 
contradiction of the second law of thermodynamics.

Among the many responses to this conundrum was that of Leó Szilárd in 1929, who 
argued that the demon must consume energy in the act of measuring the particle 
speeds and that this consumption will lead to a net increase in the system's 
entropy. In fact, Szilárd formulated an equivalence between energy and 
information, calculating that kTln2 (or about 0.69 kT) is both the minimum 
amount of work needed to store one bit of binary information and the maximum 
that is liberated when this bit is erased, where k is Boltzmann's constant and 
T is the temperature of the storage medium.

Spiral staircase
Toyabe and colleagues have observed this energy-information equivalence by 
varying an electric field so that it represents a kind of spiral staircase. The 
difference in electrical potential between successive steps on the staircase is 
kT, meaning that a thermally fluctuating particle placed in the field will 
occasionally jump up a step but more often than not it will take a step 
downwards. What the researchers did was to intervene so that whenever the 
particle does move upwards they place the equivalent of a barrier behind it, 
preventing the particle from falling beyond this point. Repeating the process 
allows it to gradually climb the staircase.

The experiment consisted of a 0.3 µm-diameter particle made up of two 
polystyrene beads that was pinned to a single point on the underside of the top 
of a glass box containing an aqueous solution. The shape of an applied electric 
field forced the particle to rotate in one direction or, in other words, to 
fall down the potential-energy staircase. Buffered by the molecules in the 
solution, however, the particle every so often rotated slightly in the opposite 
direction, allowing it to take a step upwards.

By tracking the particle's motion using a video camera and then using 
image-analysis software to identify when the particle had rotated against the 
field, the researchers were able to raise the metaphorical barrier behind it by 
inverting the field's phase. In this way they could gradually raise the 
potential of the particle even though they had not imparted any energy to it 

Quantifiable breakthrough
In recent years other groups have shown that collections of particles can be 
rearranged so as to reduce their entropy without providing them with energy 
directly. The breakthrough in the latest work is to have quantified the 
conversion of information to energy. By measuring the particle's degree of 
rotation against the field, Toyabe and colleagues found that they could convert 
the equivalent of one bit information to 0.28 kTln2 of energy or, in other 
words, that they could exploit more than a quarter of the information's energy 


The research is described in Nature Physics, and in an accompanying article 
Christian Van den Broeck of the University of Hasselt in Belgium describes the 
result as "a direct verification of information-to-energy conversion" but 
points out that the conversion factor is an idealized figure. As he explains, 
it regards just the physics taking place on the microscopic scale and ignores 
the far larger amount of energy consumed by the macroscopic devices, among them 
the computers and human operators involved. He likens the energy gain to that 
obtained in an experimental fusion facility, which is dwarfed by the energy 
needed to run the experiment. "They are cheating a little bit," joked Van den 
Broeck over the telephone. "This is not something you can put on the shelf and 
sell at this point."

However, Van den Broeck does believe that the work could lead to practical 
applications within perhaps the next 30 or 40 years. He points out that as 
devices get ever more miniature the energy content of the information used to 
control them – kT at room temperature being equivalent to about 4 × 10–21 J – 
will approach that required to operate them. "Nobody thinks of using bits to 
boil water," he says, "but that would in principle be possible at nanometre 
scales." And he speculates that molecular processes occurring in nature might 
already be converting information to energy in some way. "The message is that 
processes taking place on the nanoscale are completely different from those we 
are familiar with, and that information is part of that picture."

About the author
Edwin Cartlidge is a science writer based in Rome



John Collier

Professor Emeritus and Senior Research Associate

University of KwaZulu-Natal



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