Dear FISers, 

In touch with Ludwig Wittgenstein's favourite example, let's play a chess game. 
 Imagine that the chessboard is the

We have the whites, e.g., Jaynes, Logan, Kauffmann, Marijuan (more or less!), 
Loet, Chu-Hsi (Zhu Xi), Susskind's account of loss of information in black 
holes.  (I also side with the whites, but I did not dare to put my name 
together with the great scientists I quoted!).  

And the blacks, e.g. Brillouin, Collier, Wheeler, Murray Gell-Mann,
Lloyd, Layzer, Muller,  Rizzo, Leydesdorff, Hawkins' account of absence of  
loss of  information in black holes.   They are all first-rank scientists.    

Whites do not believe very much in the foremost role of information in our 
blacks do.  

Who wins the game? Nobody wins. 
The two players are too strong and well-grounded to be defeated, and, weirdly, 
both logical and experimental results were not decisive in order to produce the 

There is just a possibility to tackle the issue and see who wins: to change the 
rules of the chess game and the shape of the chessboard.  The 2D chessboard 
must become… a
3D chessboard.  Equipped with symmetries.


The following text comes from our most important (according to me, of course) 
published (topological) paper.  You can find the whole manuscript (with the
mentioned references and the proper mathematical treatment) here:

Symmetry is a type of invariance occurring when a structured object does
not change under a set of transformations (Weyl).  Symmetries hold the key
to understanding many of nature’s intimate secrets, because they are the most
general feature of countless types of systems. Huge swathes of mathematics,
physics and biology, including the brain, can be explained in terms of the
underlying invariance of the structures under investigation.  In physics, 
symmetries can be “broken”.  Symmetry breaking consists of sudden change
in the set of available states: the whole phase space is partitioned into 
regions (Roldàn, 2014), so that small fluctuations acting on a system cross a
critical point and decide which branch of a bifurcation is taken. In
particular, in spontaneous symmetry breaking (SSB), the underlying laws are
invariant under a symmetry transformation, but the system as a whole changes.
SSB is a process which allows a system cast in a symmetrical state to end up in
an asymmetrical one.   SSB describes
systems where the equations of motion or the Lagrangian obey certain
invariances, but the lowest-energy solutions do not exhibit them.  “Hidden” is 
perhaps a better term than
“broken”, because the symmetry is always there in such equations (Higgs). In
case of finite systems with metastable states, the confinement is not strict:
the system can “jump” from a region to another (Roldàn). Concerning the brain,
that is the main issue of our FIS discussion, its activity is an example of an 
open system, partly
stochastic due to intrinsic fluctuations, but containing islands at the edge of
the chaos, which maintains homoeostasis
or allostasis in the face of environmental fluctuations (Friston 2010).   The 
retains the characteristics of a complex, non-linear system with
non-equilibrium dynamics (Fraiman et. al., 2012), equipped with random walks
(Afraimovich, 2013); it operates at the edge of chaos (Tognoli,
2014;) and lives near a metastable state of second-order phase transition,
between micro- and macro-levels (Beggs, 2012), characterized by infinite correlation
length, countless dimensions, slight non-ergodicity, attractors (Deco, 
2012) and universal power laws,
testified by the presence of spontaneous neuronal avalanches (De

In such a multifaceted framework, the Borsuk-Ulam theorem is
useful.  This theorem tells us that, if a sphere is mapped continuously into a 
plane set,
there is at least one pair of antipodal points having the same image; that is,
they are mapped in the same point of the plane (Beyer and
Zardecki, 2004).  Bain
symmetries can be studied in a topological fashion, i.e. in terms of antipodal
points on a hypersphere.  If we enclose symmetries, equipped with antipodal 
self-similar points, into the abstract spaces
of n-spheres, they can be evaluated
in guise of projections on Sn-1,
where they stand for the broken symmetry.  This means that brain symmetries, 
hidden at a
lower level, are detectable at a higher level of analysis, and vice versa.  In 
other words, a symmetry break occurs when
the symmetry is present at one level of observation, but “hidden” at another

It must be emphasized that the symmetries are widespread at every level of
organization and may be regarded as the most general feature of systems, perhaps
more general than free-energy and entropy constraints too.  Indeed, recent data 
suggest that thermodynamic
requirements have close relationships with symmetries.  The novel, interesting 
observation that entropy
production is strictly correlated with symmetry breaking in quasi-static
processes paves the way to use system invariances for the estimation of the 
metastable states’ free-energy and the energy requirements of neural 
and information processing (Roldán 2014). 
Thus, giving insights into symmetries provides a very general approach
to every kind of brain function and dynamics. 
A shift in
conceptualizations is evident in a brain theory
of broken symmetries based on a BUT approach: the symmetries, in this framework,
are hidden in a dimension and restored in a dimension higher, and vice versa.  



Coming back to our chessboard, this
means that information can be studied in terms of systems’ symmetries and 
in dimensions, rather than in terms of entropies and energetic gradient 
  An object (on an event) embedded in an environment encompasses
a certain amount of information, but such information increases when you add a 
dimension to the environment (NOTE: non necessarily a spatial dimension, but 
also other possible ones, such as an increase of complexity).  Indeed, a
dimension more gives you a coordinate more, and therefore more information.  To 
make the usual example, the 2D shadow of a
cat encompasses less information than a 3D cat.  Some authors start from a very 
low number of dimensions (e.g., the holographic Universe of t’Hooft and 
others from an high number (claims dating back to Spinoza and Kant and going 
through our Universe made of eleven-dimensional Kaluza-Klein manifolds and 
subsequent decrease of dimensions, until our 3D plus time perceivable 
environment).  It does not matter: when projecting among
levels, information is always a function of the number of dimensions.  In such 
a framework, the role of energy is different from the role of information: the 
energy is something "injected" from the external "environment" into the system, 
in order to produce the change of coordinates into the system; on the other 
side, the changes of information can be detected into the system, and depend on 
the energy just indirectly (second-hand).  In other words: a)  the system's 
change of dimensions  dictates the change in information, whileb) the changes 
in energy dictate the projective mechanisms that allow the changes in system's 
dimensions.  It is a subtle, but foremost difference, that can be highlighted 
just taking into account a very general topological framework.  This is one of 
the examples of the importance of the  topological meta-language in the study 
of science foundations.   


 Arturo TozziAA Professor Physics, University North TexasPediatrician ASL 
Na2Nord, ItalyComput Intell Lab, University 

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