Dear Joseph,

Merleau-Ponty is undoubtedly a philosopher, but I would surmise
that when "foundations", as you say, are a matter of discussion,
it is difficult to keep philosophy out of the door. More to the
point, would you absolutely exclude the relevance of self-
organisation for the construction of information science ?
If not, allow me to mention how significant was the influence
of Merleau-Ponty's philosophy in Francisco Varela's work—see
Varela, Francisco J., Evan Thompson, and Eleanor Rosch. 1991.
*The embodied mind: **Cognitive science and human experience*.
Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press.

Best regards,        -dino

On 26 February 2018 at 03:58, <
> wrote:

> Dear FISers,
> With all due respect to Krassimir, Sung, and his son, it is becoming a
> matter of scientific interest that statements by them and others to the
> effect that "systematic research of what the 'shadows' are a part" has not
> been done are made routinely. First of all, the logic in reality  of
> Lupasco about which I have been talking here for 10 years, includes a new
> mereology in which the dynamic relations between part and whole are set out
> for discussion. Second, while the 'diagram' of Merleau-Ponty may be
> considered interesting as philosophy and as a foundation of religious
> belief, I see no reason to include it, without heavy qualification, in a
> discussion of the foundations of information science.
> Thank you,
> Joseph
> ----Message d'origine----
> De :
> Date : 25/02/2018 - 15:04 (PST)
> À :,
> Objet : Re: [Fis] The shadows are real !!!
> Hi Krassimir,
> I agree with you that  "*The shadows are real* but only a part of the
> whole. What is needed is a systematic research from what they are part."
> In my previous post,  I was suggesting that Shadows are a part of
> the irreudicible triad consisting of *Form (A), Shadow (B) *and* Thought
> (C)*.  The essential notion of the ITR (Irreducible Triadic realrtion) is
> that A, B, and C cannot be reduced to any one or a pair of the triad.  This
> automatically means that 'Shadow' is a part of the whole triad (which is,
> to me, another name for the Ultimate Reality), as Form and Thought are.  In
> other words, the Ultimate Reality is not Form nor Shadow nor Thought
> individually but all of them together, since they constitute an irreducible
> triad.    This idea is expressed in 1995  in another way: The Ultimate
> Reality is the *complementary union* of the *Visble* and the *Invisible
> World* (see *Table 1* attached).  Apparently a similar idea underlies the
> philosophy of Maurice Merleau-Ponty (1908-1961), according to my son,
> Douglas Sayer Ji (see his semior research thesis submitted in 1996 to the
> Department of Philosophy at Rutgers University under the guidance of B.
> Wilshire, attached).
> All the best.
> Sung
> ------------------------------
> *From:* Fis <> on behalf of John Collier <
> *Sent:* Sunday, February 25, 2018 2:51 PM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* Re: [Fis] The shadows are real !!!
> Daer Krassimir, List
> I basically support what you are saying. I understand the mathematics you
> presented, I am good at mathematics and studied logic with some of the
> best. However, and this is a big however, giving a mathematical or logical
> proof by itself, in its formalism, does not show anything at all. One has
> to be able to connect teh mathematics to experience in a comprehensible
> way. This was partly the topic of my dissertation, and I take a basically
> Peircean approach, though there are others that are pretty strong as well.
> I fgenerally skip over the mathematics and look for the empirical
> connections. If I find them, then generally all becomes clear. Without
> this, the formalism is nothing more than formalism. It does not help to
> give formal names to things and assume that this identifies things, Often
> trying to follow up approaches kine this is a profound waste of time. I try
> to, and often am able to, express my ideas in a nonformal way. Some
> mathematically oriented colleagues see this as automatically defective,
> since they think that formal representation is all that really rigorously
> explains things. This sort of thinking (in Logical Positivism) eventually
> led to its own destruction as people started to ask the meaning of
> theoretical terms and their relation to observations. It is a defunct and
> self destructive metaphysics. Irt leads nowhere -- my PhD thesis was about
> this problem. It hurts me to see people making the same mistake, especially
> when it leads them to bizarre conclusions that are compatible with the
> formalism (actually, it is provable that almost anything is compatible with
> a specific formalism, up to numerosity).
> I don't like to waste my time with such emptiness,
> John
> On 2018/02/25 6:22 PM, Krassimir Markov wrote:
> Dear Sung,
> I like your approach but I think it is only a part of the whole.
> 1. *The shadows are real* but only a part of the whole. What is needed is
> a systematic research from what they are part.
> 2. About the whole now I will use the category theory I have seen you like:
> *CATA => F => CATB => G => CATC*
> *CATA => H => CATC*
> *F ○ G = H*
> where
> *F*, *G*, and *H* are *functors*;
> *CATII Î CAT* is the category of *information interaction categories*;
> *CATA Î CATII* and *CATC Î CATII*  are the categories of *mental models’
> categories*;
> *CATB Î CATII*  is the category of *models’ categories*.
> Of course, I will explain this in natural language (English) in further
> posts.
> [image: Smile]
> ;
> Dear  Karl,
> Thank you for your post – it is very useful and I will discus it in
> further posts.
> ;
> Dear Pedro,
> Thank you for your nice words.
> Mathematics is very good to be used when all know the mathematical
> languages.
> Unfortunately, only a few scientists are involved in the mathematical
> reasoning, in one hand, and, as the Bourbaki experiment had shown, not
> everything is ready to be formalized.
> How much of FIS members understood what I had written above?
> The way starts from philosophical reasoning  and only some times ends in
> mathematical formal explanations.
> Friendly greetings
> Krassimir
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> John Collier
> Emeritus Professor and Senior Research Associate
> Philosophy, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban
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