I have been trying to add the fullscreen option to a video player I
created which plays streaming flash video.

Right now, from a php page, I am calling the appropriate video based on
the variable passed in the code embedding the flash movie in the html. 

However, in trying to use the new skin in Flash 9 that has the
"fullscreen" toggle, I cannot seem to pass a variable to the flash swf
calling the video to stream from the html code.

I tried passing the variable "streamName" via FlashVars, however, the
swf is not identifying the variable, so the video will not play...


Here is the code I have in the swf right now:


import fl.video.*;

VideoPlayer.iNCManagerClass = fl.video.NCManagerNative;

videoName.text = streamName; //streamName is the variable passed from
the php page


//attachMovie("FLVPlayback", "flvPlayer", 10, {width:320, 

//height:240, x:0, y:0});

var flvPlayer:FLVPlayback = new FLVPlayback();


//copy the skin file to the local directory for this to work

flvPlayer.skin = "./SkinOverAllNoCaption.swf"

flvPlayer.source =


What code can I use on the html or php page that will pass a variable to
the swf to play the correct video? 

This code works fine if I hard code the video stream name for
flvPlayer.source, however, I need to dynamically populate that value.


Thanks for your help...



Shay Magro
Senior Web Designer
User Experience Strategy, Design, and Development


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