ok guys I am having the most insanly weird problem. I just started
programming on a mac and testing on one. recently i built a pretty basic
menu that uses xml to load some thumbnails into a scrolling menu. its a
great expandable reusable menu. anyway once i published it and ran it in the
browser everything went to $h!t. For some reason whenever I am using the
site and i click out of the browser to another app and the flash looses
focus the entire menu disappears. just gone... poof... but nothing around it
goes away. WHY?!?!? i cannot figure it out. can anyone please help me with
this. its really only in osx and wither safari or firefox. i attached a link
to a zip that has the necessary files. if you just drag the 'swf' to a
browser window you can see it happen. but it will not do it in the IDE.
ANYONE have any ideas? thanks!

my last explanation might be something quirky with how I am moving the menu
with the _y mouse pos.


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