Hello Flashcoders,

I am working on a project where I need to embed multiple typefaces in my AS3 project. Here is what I got so far. I could happened to open my flash 8 and create multiple font symbols and add a linkage and check them to export them for actionscript. Then I put that file in my AS3 project where I am developing using Flex Builder 2.

Then I just hacked an existing example with mashing flex2 examples on adobe labs. My file name for flash 8 swf is "din.swf" and I went ahead and added this line in the beginning of my project:

[Embed(source='din.swf', symbol='dinBold' )]

this worked perfectly! So the symbol 'dinBold' was its linkage name when I was exporting it form flash 8. so far so good, but my problem is how could I use this to import multiple typefaces?

When I go to extract multiple symbols from the same swf it simply doesn't work. I have been following this from the flex docs at the adobe lab so I couldn't understand why this is not working.

[Embed(source='din.swf', symbol='dinBold' )]// linkage name dinBold

[Embed(source='din.swf', symbol='dinLight' )] // linkage name dinLight

I can create a unique swf for each of the typeface but then this is really cumbersome and I think there should be a way to import multiple symbols from the same swf.

Thanks in advance.

here is my source code just in case:

package {
        import flash.display.Sprite;
        import flash.text.*;
        import flash.events.Event;
    import flash.events.TimerEvent;
    import flash.utils.Timer;
 [SWF(backgroundColor="#1C1A14",  frameRate="61")]

 [Embed(source='din.swf', symbol='dinBold' )]
        public class Loadfont extends Sprite {
        private var _timer:Timer;
        private var tf:TextField;
                public function Loadfont() {
                tf = new TextField();

     _timer = new Timer(1);
            _timer.addEventListener("timer", onTimer);
            _timer.start(  );
                public function test():void {
                        tf.defaultTextFormat = new 
TextFormat("DIN-BoldAlternate", 50, 255);
                        tf.embedFonts = true;
                        tf.antiAliasType = AntiAliasType.ADVANCED;
                        tf.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;
                        tf.border = false;
                        tf.text = "blah blah blah\nblah blah blah\nblah blah blah 
                        tf.rotation += 2;
                public function listFonts() {   
                        var fontList:Array = Font.enumerateFonts(false);
                        for (var i:uint=0; i<fontList.length; i++) {
                        trace("font: "+fontList[i].fontName);
                public function onTimer(event:TimerEvent):void {
                 tf.rotation += 2;
       // trace(this.stage.stageHeight);

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