
This may be a bit vague - perhaps , but...  I'm trying to customize a Flash 
DataGrid Component so that it can have "X" rows of displayed text in a column, 
in the header bar, and return "X" rows of returned, related data, all within a 
single "row" of a returned query...  Did that make any sense?  I guess I need 
to know how to get a line/carriage return into my actionscript - or Perl -  
(prolly something really obvious) without the code showing up in the displayed 
text?    I'm using Flash Remoting and Perl w/MYSQL for my DB.

I hope this doesn't get too scrambled in the process...  Here's sort of what 
I'm trying to achieve:

______________________________________________________(Component Header) 
|Priority:              |Invoice #:        |Company Name:       |Sales Rep:   
|Order Date:                                   |Description:               
______________________________________________________(Component Rows)
______________________________________________________(row 1)
|1                           |INV00002      |ToyCo Toys                |Mitch
|05/31/06                                      |Item # XP01                  
|Dept 34
                                                      |Item # TD 457
                                                      |Item # FR 239
______________________________________________________(row 2)
|7                           |INV00003       |Kiddy Toys                 |Lisa
|06/02/06                                       |Item # WW23               
|Dept 34
                                                       |Item # FR 239

Any input would be greatly appreciated!  :-)

Thanks in advance for your help! 

Michael Hood
Internal Applications Dev ADMS/ CMS/ Armory

URL: http://www.futuremike.com

["All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us." 
-Gandalf- Lord of the Rings]
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