Hey Folks,

Originally sent this yesterday but it never seemed to come through.
Apologies if you get it twice.

I'm working on some code for a catalog style application and I need to
compare objects from two different sets of data. Any object may have 10+
properties and I need to know if *some* properties have identical values. So
far I have been doing this the old fashioned way but I am wondering if there
is a much faster/better way to achieve the same result.

This is my present solution, would love to hear how clever people out there
handle this:

// param filterObj determines the props and values that must match e.g.
{prop1:"a", prop2:"b"}

function compareItems (filterObj:Object) : Array {
  var resultArr = new Array();
  var itemArr = RS.items;

  for (var i = 0; i < itemArr.length; i++) {
   var propMatch = true;
   var tmpItem = itemArr[i];

   for (var j in filterObj) {
    if (tmpItem[j] != filterObj[j]) {
     propMatch = false;

   if (propMatch) {
    resultArr.push (tmpItem);


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