Hi people,

For the record :
When one uses MAc OSX Flash 8 Pro, you have different to use a font, by the way, for a reason that a presume, when you use _sans or Arial with "Use device fonts", in fact Flash embeds the outlines in the final swf.

If someone else could test it on it's computer ?!

- Put a textfield with _sans as font
- Open File > Publish Settings
- Check "Generate size report"
- Look at the end of the output if there are _sans like this example :

Nom de la police                 octets        Caractères
-----------------------------    ----------    --------------
_sans                            21
_sans Gras                       21

I think that MM embeds the outlines on osx, that way the mac and win version could have the same width.
But it definitively give your swf an unecessary weight.

Is it a known issue ?
Is there a workaround that I don't know ?

Thanks to confirm this annoying issue.
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