Thanks to the folks who told me about FlashTracer!

I ended up solving my problem by examinging the access logs on my server, but I'm wondering if anybody has any insight.

The problem was related to the fact that I was trying to load the same external swf at the same url into two different MCs. Because I've recently change the architecture of my project so now I only need one instance of the MC, I solved the problem by simply dropping the second instance. However, it'd be really nice to understand this problem.

I figured out the problem by observing that FireFox only makes one request to the server for the same swf, but IE makes two different calls to the server. For some reason this makes it choke. Under IE, I could get the external swf to load by refreshing the browser, in which case the browser would make a "check if new" request to the server and then load the cached files.

Does this make sense?  Any idea what's up?

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