I am having trouble looping streaming flvs. I am using a Video Object with a Netstream

Flvs flush their buffer when they fire their stop event so that any loop has to buffer when you use this even to seek(0).

I just need to know the correct approach on this - although if you have any pre-existing code that would be great =D

Having two Streams, and buffering one but pausing it a few seconds before the other ends seems to be the correct approach.

The trouble is that I cannot predict which stream is next until a few seconds before the end of the current one.

Would storing the NetStream, Net Connection, and Client in an array be a good idea - I would have to attach the new ( preloaded ) NetStream at the time the previous NetStream stopped, and initialise all the events back so that controls and loop detection still works.

I am using Akamai. AS3. Class based.

I am in a great deal of trouble for not sorting this out properly so far. I am coming here as a last resort I have been working very late ( lots ) - I am probably sacked for this already.


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