
private function centerThreeSixty():Void
        var midX:Number = Stage.width/2;
        var midY:Number = Stage.height/2;

        if (originX == null && origMidX == null)
            origMidX = midX;
            origMidY = midY;

            originX = targetThreeSixty._x;
            originY = targetThreeSixty._y;

        var diffX:Number = (midX - origMidX);
        var diffY:Number = (midY - origMidY);

        targetThreeSixty._x = originX + diffX;
        targetThreeSixty._y = originY + diffY;

only works if the stage is bigger than the clip tho :|


On 2/10/06, w03 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This can be more complicated than it seems... if, like I was, you are
> using the imported MC height and width to find center position.  These
> values change as the offstage mcs move around or march onto stage.
> If set the center position once, and import the mc there, it'll stay put.
> If call centering routine a lot, (say on a resize function), the mc will
> jump around depending on the current width,height.
> If you use origional centering data (i.e. save the position) and then use
> that in your resize function (calculate new mc position based on old mc
> position, not on mc width/height) then you may be able to stop the behavior.
> If you wrote the Q you may understand this answer, otherwise, don't
> bother!
> Wendy
> //Assign a mask from the main SWF on the receiving movieclip
> //mc_clip_loader.setMask(mc_Mask);//Everything outside the stage's
> //demensions of an external SWF is visible inside the receiver SWF...
> //Matt Muller wrote:
> >>Im building a microsite, that is aligned to the center of the stage. I
> am
> >>loading in animations that are swfs that are meant to run in the
> viewable
> >>area in the microsite.
> >>The animation fla's are exported as swfs with a mask, and I am also
> trying
> >>to setMask in the shell, the animators tweens and shapes that are
> outside of
> >>the mask
> >>are affecting the size of my shell and when onResize() is called the
> site
> >>jumps all over the show.
> >>
> >>Does anyone have any ideas, bar going into the animations and cleaning
> up
> >>everything that is outside the mask to get a perfect rectangle bounding
> box,
> >>surely
> >>there must be a way to do this, I have draw regions on and can see
> >>everything going on outide the mask.
> >>
> >>Quick fixes?
> >>
> >>Thanks
> >>
> >>MaTT
> >>_______________________________________________
> >>
> >
> _______________________________________________
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