Hi All,

I am trying to mask an object on stage with a bitmapData Object that was
generated from a movieclip. I am hopeing that this will enable me to use
strokes to mask object.. Anyway, I've found an example online that will help
me clone a movieclip, to a bitmap, and managed to keep the transparency of
the original moviclip.. But not sure how to mask an MC with that...

I've uploaded an example online if it helps:

Here is the code:


_root.createEmptyMovieClip( "container2", 2 );

container2._x = 170;

bitmapData1 = new flash.display.BitmapData( 160, 120, true, 0x000000 );
bitmapData2 = new flash.display.BitmapData( 160, 120, true, 0x333333 );

container2.attachBitmap( bitmapData2, 2 ); bitmapData1.draw( container1 );
// container 1 is on stage 

var rect1 = new flash.geom.Rectangle( 0, 0, 160, 120 ); var rect2 = new
flash.geom.Rectangle( 0, 0, 160, 120 );

bitmapData2.copyPixels( bitmapData1, rect1, rect2 );

toMask_mc.setMask( container2 );// this does not work...




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