Well, client reports that all is working properly now (even w/o renaming
So, it turns to be a kind of "CS3 horror story".

However, if someone has any findings about differences between Flash 8 vs.
Flash CS3 compilers (AS2), such information is always appreciated :-)

On 9/12/07, Gregory N <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have a component (AS2) that extends MovieClip (as usual).
> It shows user's text placed along the curve:
> http://gousable.com/flash/text2curve.html
> A couple of days ago I've added the options to format the text as
> bold/italic.
> The getter/setter names are, respectively, "bold" and "italic".
> It work nice on my machine in Flash 8 and MX 2004.
> However, a client reports an error that comes in Flash CS3 (published in
> AS2 for FP8):
> There is no property with the name 'bold'.
> There is no property with the name 'italic'.
> I suggested to try array syntax :
>  t2c["bold"] = true; // instead of t2c.bold
> Of course, array syntax eliminated the error(s) and then everything works
> ok.
> My guess is that the compiler in CS3 tries to prevent "alien" property
> names.
> If so, "tbold" instead of "bold" should work for MC (will send to him
> today :-)
> Unfortunately, I don't have the CS3 myself (maybe because I read all these
> horror stories here :-) and can't test it.
> Does anyone know about such differences in Flash 8 vs. Flash CS3
> compilers?
> --
> Best regards,
> GregoryN
> ================================
> http://GOusable.com
> Flash components development.
> Usability services.

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