Thanks to Mike and Jim for your input, This is perfect but I couldn't use the 
class because....  
  >public static function contains(str:String, val:String):Boolean {
>return str.indexOf(val) >= 0;
  I tried this and it said I had to call to an external .as script.  We have 
been experiencing issues with external file calls in flash because of the web 
server to network share environment issue.  Flash applications are embedded 
into a scorm compliant LMS and external files can only exist on a network share 
not on the LMS web server.  I have been to Adobe's site and read their solution 
for a network setup like this but that may not come into fruition for some time 
and my users cannot be asked to individually change their security settings in 
  I do not  have the ability to access the LMS like my users (no test user 
account) so I hesitate to even try this because I won't know if it won't work 
until one of my users has issues.  Which is how I found out about the 
flashplayer 8 security enhancements.
  Patricia Britt


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