- load the image into a child clip
- when done, move the child clip:

child_mc._x =  - (child_mc._width / 2);
child._mc._y = - (child_mc._height / 2);

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Manuel Gonzalez" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <flashcoders@chattyfig.figleaf.com>
Sent: Tuesday, November 08, 2005 9:53 PM
Subject: [Flashcoders] ROTATION - ROTATION

I'm trying to rotate a movieclip from its center point. The problem is I 
have loaded an image into the movieclip and it x and y is 0,0.
I know that you can not dynamically set the x,y of a movieclip. I would 
prefer to handle all the actions via actionscript, versus making a clip on 
stage centering its x,y and adding an empty Movieclip to load into. Has 
anyone accomplished this via actiionscript.
Leads?, solutions or ideas.

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