I actually just figured out a possible solution. Jsut thoguht I'd share it
.  By having the component just dispatch events with the entered names then
I don't have to worry about all the converting to functions etc

just use:

    private function checkForEvents(){
        var itr:Iterator=videoEvents.getIterator();
            var videoEvent=itr.next();
            var method=videoEvent.methodToCall;


and then :

import mx.data.binding.ObjectDumper;
red.addEventListener("testing2", testListener);
function testListener(){
function test1Listener(){
    trace("testing one is caught");

On 3/31/06, Manuel Saint-Victor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have a component that has a collection property that holds some events.
> My goal is for the user to be able to fill out the panel  with two params
> for each event: eventTime and method to call.
> I've gotten to that part but what I'm trying to do now is convert these
> user entered stings into functions to be called by my component.
> for example - the user could add a  value of 1000:squeak    into the
> params dialog and at 1000 I would call the squeak method.
> Here's what I have tried so far- to no avail.
> private function checkForEvents(){
>         trace("checking");
>         var itr:Iterator=videoEvents.getIterator();
>         while(itr.hasNext()){
>             var videoEvent=itr.next();
>             var method:Function=Function(videoEvent.methodTocall );
>             method.call();
>             trace(videoEvent.methodToCall);
>         }
>     }
> If anybody could help me with this it would be greatly appreciated.
> Mani
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