Hello List,

I am trying to sendAndLoad XML data to a web service that requires
that I set the name of the data in the Form Collection. My server-side
people insist that this is how it should be done, although I never
needed to set anyhing and sendAndLoad would always just work in the

This is the trace from the server script, note on the bottom the Form
Collection part. It is now formatted in the way that they would like
it to be.

Headers Collection
Name                        Value
Pragma                     no-cache
Content-Length          140
Content-Type             application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Host                         xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:90
User-Agent                Shockwave Flash
x-flash-version            8,0,22,0

Form Collection
Name                        Value
RequestXML              <flash_folio>xml data goes here</flash_folio>

I've managed to make this work by using a LoadVars object like this:

var lv:LoadVars = new LoadVars ();
lv.RequestXML = new XML ("<flash_folio>xml data goes here</flash_folio>");

But the XML string which is returned is escaped in a manner that I
can't unescape it using unescape (str).

Is there a way to set the name for the XML string using the XML object?

Any ideas? Has Anyone come across this before? I'm pretty puzzled here.

Thanks, Yotam.

Yotam Laufer | Flash Developer | mobile +44 (0) 79 205 17 212 | skype: ubermutt
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