First of all woohoo! FC is back online! I love it!

Ok so I have a question I'm hoping you guys can help answer for me. I'm
wanting to animate more or less a sine curve line from one point to the next
over like 2 secs or something. Right now I just have it being drawn from the
drawing API but I'd really like to animate its motion. What are my options I
can't wait to hear from you guys thanks!

here is what I have done so far:

function drawLine() {

    worldMap.connection.moveTo(worldMap.UK._x, worldMap.UK._y);
    worldMap.connection.curveTo(worldMap.UK._x+200, worldMap.UK._y-80,
worldMap.taiwan._x, worldMap.taiwan._y);
    worldMap.connection.lineTo(worldMap.taiwan._x, worldMap.taiwan._y);


Corban Baxter
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