I'm trying to trouble shoot some problems possibly related to a specific versions of the player. So, I've downloaded the Flash Player Uninstaller and the complete set of installers for F8 and F9 (these are the files "fp8_archive.zip" and "fp9_archive.zip").

I'm currently working under Windows XP. I use the SWFObject.js from Geoff Stearns at deconcept.com to load Flash content.

If I do the uninstall and then run any version of the installers for F8 (ActiveX and plugin), then IE and Firefox both run just fine.

However, if I do the same thing but with F9r28 installer or earlier, then neither the ActiveX nor the plugins are detected. The tester who is having trouble is running 9r28; he can view the content for the most part, with just a few quirks, which I'm trying to fix....

Are there known issues with using these older installers?

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