Sorry for the double post but i quickly realized if I comment out the code
in my script for moving the menu the problem is fixed so it has something to
do with all of this code moving the menu... here is what I am doing...

var menuOut:Boolean = false;

btnHolder.onEnterFrame = function(){
    minY = 455 - this._height; //done in the on enterframe for the menu to
get the height after all items have been loaded into it
    maxY = 6;


    //////// Move the img menu up and down

    yMov = (230 - _ymouse)/100*10;

    //sliding the menu this is where the BIG error occurs in OSX only and
the menu apparently slide off the screen
    //if this block is commented out it stays on the screen but i still need
to get the menu to slide
   // ANYONE have some help for me here

    yMov = (230 - _ymouse)/100*10;

    if(_xmouse >= 8  && _xmouse <= 120 && _ymouse >= 230){


        if(this._y - yMov > minY){
            this._y += yMov;
            this._y = minY;

    }else if(_xmouse >= 8 && _xmouse <= 120 && _ymouse <= 230){


        if(this._y + yMov < maxY){
            this._y += yMov;
            this._y = maxY;


    //////////  OPENING AND CLOSING img nav   /////////

    if(_xmouse >= 107 && menuOut == false){


        menuOut = true;

    }else if(_xmouse < 8 && menuOut == true){


        menuOut = false;


in the code above you can see where i am sliding the btnHolder but for some
reason when its in the browser it all goes to hell. anyone have any ideas
whe might be causeing it to jump off screen when the browser loses focus?

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