hi all. i know this question has been asked a few times, but never
theless i have to ask it again: i have to do a multi-level game where
each level when done reveals a secret word and all words together
result in a end-level "solution-word". the players have to register
first, dont have to play all levels in one go (means can log on and
log off and all solved level-words are stored on server side) and the
first player that makes all levels will win a price.

problem/question: are there any known problems at https connections
between server-side (php) and flash (v7)? what are the best ways to
ensure a hacker proof solution? will https and md5 stored information
inside the swf do? is there a better/safer way than a post request
between flash and server side?

sorry if this might be off-topic to some one. thanks, best: lars

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