Hi All...
I'm using masks to reveal content on a site, and doing so by tweening the mask's _x value to move it over the masked content. I'm publishing to Flash 8, at 30fps, and using Tweener. The mask is separated from the content on its own layer in each movieClip. (not created with setMask());

When I preview the site in Safari and IE it works just fine. In Firefox (both Mac & PC), however, the mask tweens are very glitchy. There are the content shows up with streaks, flashes visible/ invisible, etc.

Has anybody experienced this before?

My first guess was that it was due to the frame rate dropping, but I'm not doing anything complex. Just moving an _x property a couple hundred pixels. Is there something in Firefox or my publishing settings that could be tripping up the masks?

Any insight would be greatly appreciated.

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