RE: [Flashcoders] Re: Problem Printing Lines

2009-03-14 Thread Wendy Serrell
That's it. Thanks Anthony!


-Original Message-
From: Anthony Pace

in this instance I was able to fix it by changing "none" to "normal" in 
your linestyle.

Flashcoders mailing list

[Flashcoders] Re: Problem Printing Lines

2009-03-14 Thread Wendy Serrell
Anthony Pace wrote:
> Can you show me an example?

Yes. Paste this code into a new AS2 file:

this.createEmptyMovieClip("test_mc", this.getNextHighestDepth());
test_mc.lineStyle(15, 0xff, 100, true, "none", "round", "miter", 1);
test_mc.moveTo(15, 15);
test_mc.lineTo(15, 222);
test_mc.lineTo(25, 222);
test_mc.lineTo(25, 15);
test_mc.lineTo(25, 222);
test_mc.lineTo(30, 222);
test_mc.lineTo(30, 15);

var printJob:PrintJob = new PrintJob();
if (printJob.start()) 
if(printJob.addPage(test_mc, null,{printAsBitmap:true}, 1))
delete printJob;

On screen, you'll see some overlapping red lines. But on the printed page,
you'll see three thin vertical lines separated by white space, along with a
horizontal line which connects the bottoms of the three other lines.
Printing to a pdf gives the same results.

Putting in the xMin, xMax... options in the addPage() function instead of
'null' isn't helping.


Flashcoders mailing list

[Flashcoders] Problem Printing Lines

2009-03-14 Thread Wendy Serrell
I've got a paint application which uses Flash 9/AS2's moveTo() and lineTo()
functions to draw lines on a canvas. Works great.


The problem is printing. Using PrintJob, the lines don't appear on the
printed page as they do on screen. Most noticeably, if I draw a bunch of
lines to create a filled shape, the printout will show random holes in the
filled shape, as if the lines weren't completely overlapping. Which they
are. Honest.


Adding the {printAsBitmap:true} option to the printJob.addPage() function
seems to help slightly, but it's not a solution.


Any help would be appreciated.



Flashcoders mailing list

[Flashcoders] Thoughts on new features in CS4

2009-01-07 Thread Wendy Serrell
I was reading this blog post:


And one of the commenters wrote, "New features in Flash Player 10 - e.g. 3D,
bones and hardware acceleration - were all a massive let down and basically


I haven't downloaded CS4 yet, but I was wondering if other people felt the
same way, and why (or why not).



Flashcoders mailing list

[Flashcoders] Re: problem detecting when progressive video has reached the end - AS3

2008-04-26 Thread Wendy Serrell
Carl Welch Wrote:

> I am have a difficult time detecting when a progressive video has 
> played to the end. is there listener for this? note: I'm not using 
> the flvPlayback - I'm creating the video using : _video=new

I don't think there is a completely reliable way to detect when a
progressive video has ended. You can get the 'lasttimestamp' property if
you're using Burak's FLV Injector, but an flv will sometimes stop before
reaching this time, so checking for that value won't work. Flvs also have a
built in 'duration' property, but I've never seen an flv actually reach that

The NetStream.Play.Stop event would seem to be a good candidate, but it
sometimes gets fired randomly if you're scrubbing through a video, so that
alone won't always work either.

My kludgy solution is to put some code in a NetStream.Play.Stop event that
sees if the video is less than 0.5 seconds from 'lasttimestamp'.

It would be nice if NetStream.Play.Complete worked for progressive video.

Flashcoders mailing list

[Flashcoders] FLV Buffering Weirdness with Flash CS3 and AS3

2007-12-26 Thread Wendy Serrell


I want to display a buffering message whenever a progressively downloaded
flv is buffering. According to the docs, this should be possible.


When the NetStream.Buffer.Empty event is fired, the swf displays some kind
of buffering message to the user.


When the NetStream.Buffer.Full event is fired, the swf removes the buffering


But in practice this never quite works, when testing both locally and from a
server. Here's some sample code in a class for handling NetStream events:


private function netStatusHandler(event:NetStatusEvent):void


switch (


case "NetStream.Play.Start":

trace("NetStream.Play.Start, currentTime is:", stream.time);


case "NetStream.Buffer.Empty":

trace("NetStream.Buffer.Empty, currentTime is:", stream.time);


case "NetStream.Buffer.Full":

trace("NetStream.Buffer.Full, currentTime is:", stream.time);





And here's what appears in the output window when the video is loaded:


NetStream.Play.Start, currentTime is: 0

NetStream.Buffer.Empty, currentTime is: 0.94

NetStream.Buffer.Full, currentTime is: 0.94


One problem is that Buffer.Empty is fired long after the video starts
playing. A different result occurs by changing the default bufferTime
setting from 0.1 seconds to something longer. If the bufferTime is five
seconds, the output window shows this:


NetStream.Play.Start, currentTime is: 0

NetStream.Buffer.Full, currentTime is: 1.044


Shouldn't Buffer.Full fire before the video starts playing? In all the tests
I've done, this event fires between half a second to one second after the
video has started. And why does changing the bufferTime cause the
Buffer.Empty event to not fire at all?


TIA for any insight.





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