[Re-re-posting. Please, can anyone help with this before I've lost my hair and my livelihood? Thanks!]

This is a case where data exchange works in Flash 7 but not in Flash 8. I've seen lots of articles on this, but they're either extremely complicated or don't quite seem applicable (in part due to my ignorance, I'm sure). Can someone please point me toward a specific fix? Please read on to understand the exact circumstances.

I inherited a Flash site that exchanges data with an apache server via php, using sendLoad(). In the swfs, users select features for a product and their order is placed in one of several vendor databases. Everything is on the same domain, but the vendor databases are on subdomains such as vendorA.acmeSales.com, vendorB.acmeSales.com, etc. My client and the vendor can access the data using a Flash to display the features the user selected.

This worked in Flash 7, but Flash 8 will not exchange data with the database.

I've tried setting security via System and putting crossdomain.xml files but I either have the syntax wrong or put them in the wrong location(s).

Do I need cross-domain xml files on the server? If so, what to write and where to put them?

Do I need to set permissions in the Flash movies? If so, in just the root movie or in all loaded movies? What is the necessary code?

Anything else?

Marc Hoffman

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