I have a situation where I have a swf, let's call it child.swf, contains a
List component which makes use of a custom cell renderer,
CustomCellRenderer, which extends CellRenderer.  On it's own, everything
works fine.
My problem is trying to load it into Main.swf, which also has a List in it's
library, and thus the CellRenderer and CellRendererSkins component assets
exported with it.  When i load child.swf into Main.swf, it finds the
CustomCellRenderer class fine, but that class is throwing errors saying that
the assets which are supposed to be on stage are not found, which sounds
like it can no longer pull the library symbol for CustomCellRenderer.  I
have custom skins for the scrollbar in the List though that work fine.

I have narrowed it down to the CellRenderer symbol being exported in
Main.swf.  Right now, I am setting LoaderContext.applicationDomain =
ApplicationDomain.currentDomain for the Loader which is loading child.swf,
but I've tried every combo of application/security domain and it's still a
no go.

It does work if I export the CustomCellRenderer symbol in Main.swf's
library, but that is not ideal.

Any ideas?
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