          src: url(./assets/ARIAL.TTF);
             fontFamily: "aArial";
             fontStyle: regular;
.mystyle1 {
           fontSize: 12pt;

<mx:Panel x="40.5" y="22" width="325.5" height="268" layout="absolute" backgroundAlpha="0" horizontalAlign="center" horizontalScrollPolicy="off" verticalScrollPolicy="off" title="test embed" id="d_mail" color="#FFFFFF" borderStyle="solid" borderAlpha="0" styleName="mystyle1">

This is my tale of frustration. I've tried every which way but loose within the AS3/Flex docs to embed fonts. Once I set the style of the control or container to style1 it justs defaults to BL***Dy Times Roman. Please save a man from going mad>

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