Re: [Flashcoders] IE8 - Strange display behaviour [SOLVED]

2010-04-08 Thread Alain Rousseau

I finally solved this one,

For those interested in the solution here it is.

It was merely a case of browser cache not acting as expected. So, I 
called the swf file with a date variable to prevent caching :

   script type=text/javascript
  var flashvars = {};
 var params = {};
 var attributes = {};
 swfobject.embedSWF(mySwfApp.swf?t= + new Date().getTime(),
   mySwfApp, 550, 400, 9.0.0, false, flashvars, params,

And all is fine now.

Alain Rousseau wrote:

Hi all,

I have been experiencing some strange display behaviours with IE8 lately.

I did a module for Joomla that displays a Flash based menu. In IE8 it 
loads fine the first time, but as soon as I change page, the menu 
doesn't show anymore.

If you have the IE Developper Toolbar, you'll see in the Scripts 
Console the traces from Flash (gotta love, trace from flash) !! )

So with that I know all the data is here, I know wich menu item is 
supposed to be visible and yet, nothing shows. Could it be the CSS ? 
or the Flash Player in IE8 ? (got the latest version). I'm using 
SWFObject 2.2 for embedding. Tested on WinXP.

Safari, Firefox and Opera all display the menu.

the website is

Hope someone can help me figure this out ! thks !


Flashcoders mailing list

Flashcoders mailing list

[Flashcoders] IE8 - Strange display behaviour

2010-04-07 Thread Alain Rousseau

Hi all,

I have been experiencing some strange display behaviours with IE8 lately.

I did a module for Joomla that displays a Flash based menu. In IE8 it loads 
fine the first time, but as soon as I change page, the menu doesn't show 

If you have the IE Developper Toolbar, you'll see in the Scripts Console the traces from Flash 
(gotta love, trace from flash) !! )

So with that I know all the data is here, I know wich menu item is supposed to 
be visible and yet, nothing shows. Could it be the CSS ? or the Flash Player in 
IE8 ? (got the latest version). I'm using SWFObject 2.2 for embedding. Tested 
on WinXP.

Safari, Firefox and Opera all display the menu.

the website is

Hope someone can help me figure this out ! thks !


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