Hi list,

I have a Video playing in a custom player, and I encounter a strange problem.
I made lots of video players allready, but now it wont playback the video off 
of a network-address.

Variables are passed to the player, and are in the player correctly received.
Tried it first in as3, and then quickly ported it to as2, but both versions 
encounter the same problem.

flv and swf and html are in the same folder... first tried it in swfobject, 
then normal embedding, but both the same problem... I don't know where to look 
"Local playback security: play local files only" I don't need to put this on 
network right? If everything is on the same domain?

Code is minimal/simple like this:
var nc:NetConnection = new NetConnection();
var ns:NetStream = new NetStream(nc);
ns.onStatus = function(infoObject:Object) {
                                    case 'NetStream.Play.Stop':
                                                playBtn._visible = 
vidT._visible = true;


vidT.text            = (_root.vidTitle != null)? _root.vidTitle: 'no 
addVariable content.';
var vidU:String    = (_root.vidUrl    != null)? _root.vidUrl        : 

playBtn.onRelease = function()
            playBtn._visible = vidT._visible = false;

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