Sorry, I responded too early...
(and forgot to change the subject line-- where's that coffee?!?)

What I'm looking for is actually the "totalframes" of the movieclip I'm loading-- not bytes. The MovieClipLoader class doesn't seem to provide this-- and I can't even get this when the clip is fully loaded.

Is this information available at all from "outside" a loaded clip?


On Dec 8, 2005, at 8:14 AM, David Cohn wrote:

Thanks Chris, good to know.
So there's no good Flash 6 solution?

Yeah, this is a problem in flash. A better loading method is to use the
MovieClipLoader class:

var mcl = new MovieClipLoader();


onLoadProgress = function(target_mc:MovieClip, bytesLoaded:Number, bytesTotal:Number) {
        trace("loaded="+bytesLoaded+", total="+bytesTotal);


David Cohn wrote:

Hey all,

After using loadMovie on a blank movieclip, I do:

onClipEvent(data) {
trace("loaded="+this._framesloaded+", total="+this._totalframes);

...which always gives:
    loaded=16000, total=65535
(both values should be way smaller)

Yet _currentframe reports the correct value... is there something I'm

Thanks in advance,

p.s. is there a way to search the flashcoders archives?

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