Hi Guys as you know im fairly new to AS3 and im having a massive problem with 
some code ive been writing, unfortunately there is loads of it so ive had to 
create a couple of examples of what i want, as i can get them to work 
separately but not together!

1 - Click the link - http://flashdev.dnsalias.org:8080/example1/default.asp 
2 - Then click on the 'Jungle' styled image
3 - Move your mouse (Text gets selected)
4 - Click on the 'Photo Tools' tab
5 - Click the 'upload photo' button
6 - Select a 15-20k image (This is a fake upload so dont worry what it is), hit 

Now here is where it goes wrong

7 -  choose to edit the photo (i.e. size, position rotation etc...) 

What should happen now is when you edit the photo it should action it on the 
small image (if you increse the size, the image should change), however it for 
some reason re-focuses the text box.

            (To retry the script please start from section 1 and refresh/clear 

To see a working version of sections 4-7 click here... Click the link - 
http://flashdev.dnsalias.org:8080/example2/default.asp then work through 
sections 1-7


The problem... Soon as a textbox is clicked in or focused on for some reason 
this is kept in memory.

What i want to happen... When the flash application loads i want the text box 
to be selected and ready to type in, when you then upload an image you are 
already able to edit the image without having to click the image

So my question to you guys... Is it possible to stop the textbox being 
re-focused? as stage.focus = null; does not seam to work in this instance!

Thanks in advance
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