
I've been googling all day to find out any new infos on using a swf als a shotcast-client.

Most information is old or incomplete, here's what I found out so far:

* with the right security settings playing a Shoutcast stream works in Firefox and some other browsers * with a little hacking (e.g. using a server-side proxy to change the headers) it even works in IE * there used to be a problem with the streaming content filling the clients memory over time (because it doesn't get deleted properly)
* Wimpy is a commercial skinnable solution

Did anyone create a stable flash shoutcast player lately? Did any of the older problems get solved by newer versions of the Flash Player?

I'd love to have some pieces of code to get started...

TIA + Cheers,


PS: Did anyone ever try to use the Flash Comm Server to access a Shoutcast stream and then channel it to Flash from the FCS?


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(1) mathematics is the language of nature.
  (2) everything around us can be represented
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