I have a class that is on the borderline of the 32K limit that flash enforces. I've run into this problem on occasion and have generally been able to factor code into classes and use composition to reduce my file size.

Recently, I ran into a very strange error that in the end seems to be related but was very difficult to troubleshoot. I received a number of syntax errors when I would compile but I would NOT get the 32K limit error. I would get a strange output that inserted a small superscripted dash in between key words. I'd paste a sample but it doesn't appear when I do. You can see an image of this at: http://pslc-qa.andrew.cmu.edu/~pact/tutors/testing/CharacterBug.gif. This problem also seems to relate to the sheer volume of lines of text in the file. My file has quite a bit of comments and I couldn't fix the compile error by commenting methods. I had to delete them from the file.

I generally use Flash 7 but tried to compile this on Flash 8 and found the same problems.

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