hey list.

i hope it is ok to plug my own code, but i finally made
VizAlign<https://github.com/cataclysmicrewind/vizalign>open source
under the MIT license. it's an awesome extendable utility for
alignment of DisplayObject || Rectangle

here is a modified snippet of the readme file on github:

align your graphics the way you see it.

VizAlign is a powerful, extendable, actionscript 3 alignment utility that
allows you to *vizually align* DisplayObject. it is a new way of thinking
about aligning, and will forever change your alignment habits. when you
position something, you expect it to end up where you envision it; VizAlign
helps you do that. the core is so extendable i never run out of new feature
ideas. documentation is something i see as vital so i hope the information
you find here is helpful to working with VizAlign.

powerful api:

each alignment you want to happen will need the objects you want to move
(targets) a stationary object (targetCoordinateSpace) and an object
(aligner) that will place the targets in relation to the

the main function you will use is:
VizAlign.align ( [targets], [alignments], ignoreOrigins, applyResults,
pixelHinting ):Array;

targets: array of DisplayObject you want to align (or VizAlignTarget)
alignments: array of VizAlignment which specify how to align the objects
ignoreOrigins: if true, VizAlign will ignore the origin/registration point
of the object and align purely based off the graphics contained
applyResults: if true, VizAlign will actually set the x,y,width,height of
the targets to the end calculations
pixelHinting: if true, VizAlign will round all calculations with
return: Array of VizAlignTarget who containt the target, its original
dimensions and resulting dimensions


   - *natural api*: i want to align these [targets] to the [left of the
   - *40* alignments (and more coming!)
   - align Rectangle || DisplayObject
   - *extend*-able framework
   - returns results for *animation* or storage
   - *group*-ing!

VizAlign.align ([logo], [new VizAlignment (new CenterAligner(), stage)],
true, true, true);

try reading the one liner above out loud like a sentence. if you can learn
to think of your alignments like that, VizAlign will be a breeze and you’ll
want to raise your arms and just expel the stress into the wind. *ahhh.*

show me:

come on up, relax, and take a look at the capabilities swf, which will let
you play around with VizAlign, get used to how it works, and learn all the
alignments available!
 VizAlign capabilities

thank you


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