I am trying to drag and drop multiple instances of UILoader on stage. My
goal is if user puts UILaoder partially on top of other UILoader , it should
just stay on top of it. If user puts on top of UILoader more than the
central point of other UILoader, the other UILoader will change the color of
its border and on mouse release gets replaced by the placed UILoader.
I am successful in getting all this but I am getting inconsistent results as
an output. Sometimes I have to put exactly on top of other UILoader to
replace it and sometimes I just touch the UILoader and it shows red border
and gets replaced. I used the logic of calculating the center of
rectangle(my UILoader container) and use hitPoint method, and as soon as
dragged UILoader hits the calculated center of UILoader, it gets replaced.
Please help me out in where I am messing things up.Any better idea than this
will also be highly appreciated.
( Following is the function which is telling my UILoader to replace of
Thanks a lot
function dropUILoader(e:MouseEvent):void

            if(e.target    is UILoader)
                var myUILoader:UILoader = e.target as UILoader;

            if (mouseY<746)
                //Putting video on top of already existed videos
                var trackChild:Number=container.getChildIndex(myUILoader);
                var childContainer:DisplayObject= container.getChildAt
                for (var z:Number=0; z<=container.numChildren-1; z++)
                    var restChild:DisplayObject=container.getChildAt(z);

                    if (childContainer!=restChild)
                        if(restChild is UILoader)
                            var cRC:UILoader=restChild as UILoader;

                            var regcRCx:Number=cRC.x;
                            var regcRCy:Number=cRC.y;

                            var regcRCWidth:Number=cRC.width;
                            var regcRCHeight:Number=cRC.height;


                                trace("Totally Hit");
                                trace("Partially Hit");
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